The world is a stupid place filled with stupid people. I might be one of them but I can at least admit when I’m wrong, change my opinion based off of new information, and acknowledge that I do not know everything. This doesn’t have much to do with with me but it does have a lot to do with stupid people who vote.


Looking at this years election all I can see in many cases is the idea that you are all being sold snake oil. Yeah, it always is in politics but there are certain candidates that it looks as if that is all they are. Some are just old school political scum like Hillary Clinton. She isn’t selling shit except the fact she thinks she deserves the nomination because she is just an egomaniac. She is a Clinton only the one with the least amount of charm. Chelsea who has very little going for he other than money and the breeding can at least smile and you don’t believe she is thinking about murdering puppies when she does. At the best of times Hillary looks like an evil alien wearing a people suit yelling love me. Enough with the Clintons, enough with the Bush’s, enough with that one guy that already dropped out.


All other candidates aside the two who I think are the definition or snake oil are Trump and Sanders. It might be for two different reasons since one might actually believe in his bullshit but that is all are, snake oil salesmen. They did tap into the problem with American politics though. The Absolut disillusionment and hatred the average person has for the political class. I get that. I’m there with you guys. I hate the DC elite shitwads just as much as you I just think you are all being taken for a ride. They are selling you the same bullshit populism and failed economic theories people have been pushing for centuries. Yeah some of the things they say might be good or even reasonable but that does not stop all the other bullshit. One is mostly nothing more than a demagogue and the other is just bribing idiots for votes off of an economic platform that anyone with sense should know could never be able to deliver a fraction of its promises.


To make is simple if you believe that Trumps believes half the shit he says and it isn’t just to get elected you are a fool and I find s strange that you will ignore his lies and then complain about Clinton’s lies. On the other side if you think that the crap that Sanders says is either constitutional or even affordable you are lying to yourself.


Now is you must know I’ll tell you of the two Trump would probably be the least worst of those two as president but as a person I like Sanders better. I don’t dislike Sanders I just think he is a fool. He is the guy in the middle of a pyramid scheme that actually believes the things he is selling. But honestly believing in something doesn’t make it correct and doesn’t mean you aren’t selling snake oil.


I have never liked Trump as a person. Yes I am biased against him in this regard. I can’t stand the guy and never have. I didn’t like him 20 years ago well before he ever tried to run for office before he even had his own annoying reality show. I think he is scum. He is the exact type of businessman that is the problem with money in politics. He was an always has been a corporatist. He used Eminent Domain to get the government to take other people homes and businesses so he could make a profit off of the land and then sent in his kickbacks to the politicians that helped him in the form of campaign contributions and such. If you don’t understand why I said corporatist look up the idea of crony capitalism. That is Donald Trump. Trump is the guy that uses politicians to get away with all of the horrible things we accuse big business of. Yeah I know when the system is rigged the loser is the one that doesn’t have his hand in the cookie jar but how about we hold fuckers to a higher standard for once. How about we stop electing people that use the government to make themselves and their friends rich. Trump is nothing more than this cancer metastasized and invigorated through populist rhetoric and bullshit. He is the other side of Politicians like Clinton, he is the businessman that is buying them. At least he in honest about it though, but that doesn’t make it right and that isn’t something to celebrate him for.


I understand though. People are angry and they are telling you what you want to hear. You are angry and they have tapped into it but they are the in many ways the cause of the problems that cause your misery. Trump has been selling away the present while Sanders is taking the selling of your future and trying to mortgage it for a 7th time.


And while Trump is trying to sell you on Corporatism Sanders if trying to bribe you with free shit no one can afford. Free college, free health care, free housing and free food. Are you sure that it is free? If it is free than the people supplying you with this health care, food, college and what not are working for your benefit without getting paid. What is a person called when they work for someone else’s benefit but does not get paid for their labor? To be honest they couldn’t even be called a slave. See a slave still costs the owner money. Yes they work for their master but the master still must feed, house and clothe them. You are asking to get the labor from these people but aren’t even willing to house and feed your own slaves. How sad are you that you can’t even take on the minimal responsibilities of a slave owner? Slavery is horrible and slave owners are fucking scum but you are less. You want the slave to have to work to feed himself and you. It’s a whole new level of exploitation. In Serfdom the lords was at least expected to protect his subjects. Is this what you are doing?


I’m going to go with a big fat no. No you are not doing anything and you are not contributing anything but you expect everything.


Sanders promises cannot be paid for. It doesn’t matter how much to tax the rich they cannot be payed. We can’t pay for the stupid shit we do now no matter how much we raise taxes. But since you are an idiot that thinks the world revolves around you you don’t really care as long as you get your’s right? We need to lower spending. Do you know what the Laffer Curve is? If you don’t you have no business talking about economics and taxation. Hell most people that do know what it is still shouldn’t. It was a general theory. It works but you need to remember that it isn’t a set amount just something you need to understand and deal with. If you have no idea what I just said you might as well consider yourself illiterate when it comes to economics. I’m a bloody accountant. I can’t say I’m a genius when it comes to economics but I do understand the idea of financial incentives. If you don’t you should. But what I really understand is debt. Debt is something you need to be very carful with. Temporary debt can be used to put yourself in a better situation but continuous debt is never good. It isn’t good if you are a business, if you are an individual and it isn’t good if you are a government. Think about this. If a company goes under their resources can then be bought and then used by other people that can do something with them and make a profit and help grow the economy. An Individual can move into a smaller home and try to build themselves back up. A government cannot collapse and sell off their assets to someone else that will build them into something else. A government collapse destroys a nation and the wealth of a nation. Granted sometimes a nation can come back but ask the Roman, Persian, Ottoman, and Austrian Empires where they are now? Ask yourself what are the consequences of the collapse of those empires?


We can’t afford either of these two idiots.





Horrible Advice From Your Uncle Drunken Llama

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to live your life, however it is much more entertaining.

Always have several fake names and extra cell phones that way you never have to give out the real ones.  Just make sure you don’t mix them up.

Never tell anyone you love them if they know your real name or where you live.

Never marry anyone who would have sex with you on the first date.  However you should try to get a couple more dates just for the fun of it.

Remember the proper etiquette in a strip club is whoever correctly guesses what drug the stripper is on gets the lap dance.

Speaking of strip clubs if you are in a private room for a lap dance and the stripper tells you that for an extra $300 you can put it anywhere, you can, but you shouldn’t.

Any woman that you just met at a bar that offers to buy you tequila shots will probably have sex with you that night.

When drinking with a woman always drink twice as much as she does that way you can always say later that she took advantage of you. *

If you shake more than twice you’re playing with it and if you don’t a bit will dribble down your leg.  It’s your call.

No matter how cracked and dry your skin is – even if it’s so obvious you can see it from space – and you are a man the lady behind the counter still thinks you are buying lotion to masturbate with.  The only way to counter this is to buy tampons and some milk that way they think you were sent on an errand by your wife or girlfriend.

Always treat people with dignity and respect, unless they don’t deserve it, then don’t, unless they pay you and you need to keep that job.

If you’re over the age of 18 and don’t own at least one good suit you are failing at life.  If you are over 30 and only own one good suit you are still failing.

Always remember to do your research before telling people you are a fighter pilot to impress people.  The Navy doesn’t use F-14′s anymore, has never used F-15′s and a B-52 isn’t a fighter so get your facts strait or you will look like an ass.  No matter how dense most of the people at the party are someone will know and they will call you on it as they should.

No matter how big you think you are she’s had better so stop worrying about it and just be happy some chick likes you.

Speaking of size; a very large cock is only impressive in porno.  In the real word it is usually uncomfortable at best and painful at worst.  Yeah, size matters but it’s more of a ratio between the smallest that works and the largest that works.

Getting 4 girls numbers at the same bar in one night always sounds cool and you can brag about it with your friends.  The problem is you were at a bar all night and trying to remember who was who and what you talked about is next to impossible unless you were dead sober and have a very good memory.  Therefor calling any of them can be risky.  Basically getting more than one number is pointless since there is a very small chance you will call any one them and if you do there is a large chance you will fuck it up.  But have fun and go for it.

Your ability to make a bong out of anything does not impress anyone worth impressing.  Also your ability to take large amounts of any drug without getting that fucked up also does not impress anyone worth impressing.**

Hypocrisy isn’t saying one thing and doing another, that’s screwing up.  Hypocrisy is saying people shouldn’t do something but saying  ”it’s OK when I do it”.

If you are visiting foreign countries and feel the need to lie about what country you are from you either shouldn’t be in that country or you are a little pussy bitch and your homeland would be better off if you didn’t come back.***

It’s rude to ask someone why they don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend and never try to set them up with anyone you know.  If they aren’t good enough to even date one of you least favorite acquaintances just don’t bring up the subject.  The question is fine if you are only tying to find out what they like and dislike so you can help otherwise you’re just asking someone to bare their soul so you can judge, quietly.  Oh so quietly…

Just because Ideology can be dangerous doesn’t mean it will.  Just remember you need to continue to question and prove to yourself that it’s correct.  It’s not as easy as it sounds but if you aren’t even trying you have a very big problem.

Never fish for compliments; it’s tacky and shows a lack of class.

If you’re not proud of yourself it’s your fault.  but if you’re proud of yourself you better be able to prove why you should be.  Prove, not justify.  People can justify anything with the right amount of bullshit.

On that note.   You should never have to justify your actions they should be able to speak for themselves.

Intentions mean nothing if you make it worse.

Air travel always sucks so never pay too much for it and never get on an air line that wont let you walk onto the plane with an open beer in your hand.  Seriously you are always going to be late, it will always be cramped and they are going to lose your luggage but as long as it isn’t a Chinese air line or Delta and the flight attendants don’t give a crap that you walked onto the plane with your own six pack it will be the best you are going to get out of air travel.

Really fuck Delta.

When you wake up and don’t know where you are always make sure you still have your wallet and your gun.  If you don’t have either you fucked up since you should always keep both hidden in  place people won’t check when they try to rob your passed out ass.

If  your collage major has “Studies” at the end of it, it’s worthless.  People don’t major in Physics Studies, Electrical Engineering Studies, History Studies or Medicine Studies.  Hell they don’t even major in Philosophy Studies and a major in Philosophy is pretty much useless.  All a major in a “Studies” does if tell the rest of the world not only do you have no marketable skills any employer would ever need but you are stupid enough to spend a shit-load of money acquiering those lack of marketable skills.  You can train a moron that is willing to work hard to do a lot of things but you can’t train an idiot with a sense of entitlement and  bullshit college degree to do anything.

Love is like a fine wine.  It’s expensive, it must be aged carefully and sipped slowly.  It will also never last.

I’m joking unlike love a good wine exists and it’s much easier to get your hands on another decent bottle.

Fair fights only exist in boxing and movies.


*  This will probably not hold up in court since double standards are fun.

** Yes this is from a llama that spends his free time chugging scotch and lighting hippies on fire.  Fuck off.

*** Exceptions can be made for people that have to travel for work or charity reasons and need to keep a low profile.

People Want Higher Taxes. For You, Not them.

So the other day* Obama claimed the other day the 80% of America wanted higher taxes?  Um, right.  OK lets pretend this is true.  How many of those people want higher taxes for themselves?  I’m going to go with a lot less than 80%, there are people out there that want higher taxes but for other people or on things they don’t use but I doubt anywhere close to 80% that Obama claims want higher taxes for themselves (maybe 3%).  It’s always easy to get support for taxing the crap out of someone else, the rich (whatever someone’s personal idea of who is rich), corporations and smokers are always easy targets but tell people that you are going to make say the 50% of the public that doesn’t pay income tax or try to tax a union members benefits package and suddenly the idea of taxes is a horrible thing and you are a horrible person for mentioning it.  See almost no one wants to pay higher taxes since everyone wants to keep as much of their money as they can but there are a lot of people out there that have no problem with making other people pay higher taxes because really “fuck them I want my benefits but don’t really want to pay for it”.  See people look at all the crap the government gives away and say “Hey free shit gimme, gimme, gimme” and either don’t know that nothing is or can be free or frankly don’t care because they honestly believe they shouldn’t have to work for or take care of themselves, and that’s just sad.  They say the rich are greedy and that might be true but people are greedy when they’re poor too so it’s really just hypocrisy and class warfare rather than a real statement of some great truth.  You want truth.  People can be greedy. there is your truth.  No qualifiers just that one sentence.  People can also be nice, heroic, cowardly, deceitful, attractive, ugly, loving, hateful and short.  Once again it’s truth because people can be all of those and some people can be many of those together since people can be contradictory.  It’s not about how much money you have that makes you something it’s about what you do with your life.  Yes life can be easier if you have money but even money doesn’t always make life easy but that is another rant.

There are a lot of people out there that think the government is a charity organization and expect people (usually other people) to pay for that.  That’s wrong the government isn’t a charity organization and forcing other people to pay for you pet projects or your causes isn’t charity.  What people who want higher taxes really want is to redistribute other people wealth, and I really do mean other people’s since if they really wanted more money to go to this or that they could take out their checkbook and hold off on that new Blu-Ray player or iPad.   But no we don’t want that we want other people to pay, hell a lot of people as I already said don’t even want to pay for their own stuff and want to make other do it, that’s why you have people calling cell phones, vacations and internet access civil rights that the government should pay for (or in other words taxes payers).


I know Obama once said he actually believes his own bullshit but he doesn’t really believe this “80% of people want higher taxes” bullshit does he?  I might buy it if he had said 45% of the US populations want’s higher taxes and 97% of those people want higher taxes for other people.  Even if somehow this 80% number was true what are the reasons for this number?  Remember kids statistics can lie if you don’t know the reason(s) behind the numbers.


I’ll say it like this if you want higher taxes for other people but not yourself, fuck you.  If you want higher taxes for other people and don’t pay income tax at all, fuck yourself twice.



*FYI usually when I say “the other day” it means anywhere from a week to 3 years ago just in case anyone wanted to complain this was from a couple of months ago.  That and I started this rant then but didn’t get back to it till now.




I hate it here…

Illegal Immigration, Arizona And A Bunch Of Hypocrisy

There has been a lot of BS lately about SB 1070, the new law in Arizona about illegal immigration and a lot of people are angry about it.  Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder yelled about it and called it racist even before they read the thing.  Yes the two most brilliant legal minds in the United States Obama and Eric Holder.  Eric Holder of course being the guy that couldn’t find anything illegal with The Black Panthers showing up to polling stations with clubs to intimidate voters who might not be voting for Obama and Obama whose main legal experience was when he worked for ACORN an organization that has been under so many indictments in the last year they make the Mob look like Boy Scouts.  Yes, these two great legal minds know – without even reading the law – they just know it is unconstitutional, racist and wrong.  I don’t know if anyone yelling about it has read it but it is sad when the President and the Attorney General of The United States both yell about a law they didn’t read (I can give Obama a pass since his teleprompter probably forgot to mention it but Holder doesn’t have that excuse).  People say it’s racist, how?  You check to see someone’s papers to see if they are in the country illegally and it’s suddenly Nazi Germany as some people did suggest (that sounds like a straw-man argument from me but sadly it’s not)?  Let me explain something to you, if you are in the United States you are by law required to have your papers (well it’s a card but whatever) showing you are in the country legally on you at all times if you are not a citizen, it’s federal law.  All Arizona is doing is helping enforce federal law, it is not their job to do it but we all know the federal government isn’t doing it like they are supposed to so what do you what?  It’s not racist, you are either here illegally or legally that’s it, it’s not like an illegal alien from Russia is going to get a pass while the one from Cameroon is not.  So shut up with the bullshit racism shit.

Even the president of Mexico decided to yell about the law.  Hello Pot I’m the mother fucking Kettle.   Mexico enforces their immigration laws why can’t we?  Wait, not only do they enforce their immigration laws but their police have a tendency for rape, theft and extortion if not outright murder towards any illegal immigrant they see.  He wants to bitch about a simple law in Arizona (that I doubt he read either) while what his own country does to illegal immigrant is regularly condemned by Human Rights groups across the world.  Fuck him, his country encourages illegal immigration into the US while at the same time not only strictly enforces its own much harsher illegal immigration laws but the law enforcement regularly abuses illegal aliens in every way it can.  Fuck you.   It’s not even the Pot Calling the Kettle black.  This is Stalin calling a Gandhi a mass murderer.  In America and in Arizona illegal aliens will be arrested and deported, in Mexico they will be robbed and raped by the police and if they are lucky enough not to be murdered or sold into sexual slavery (by the Mexican police) they will be deported after service jail time.  Fuck you Mexico and fuck your President.

OK, to put this all in perspective.  I live in Japan as I have said before.  I am not a Japanese citizen I live here as a legal immigrant on a work visa and am required to show this to the police if I am stopped by them so I must have it on me at all times.  Now I have yet to have to show this to the police because I have not been stopped by them or arrested because I don’t break the fucking law in the first place. And unlike Mexico if I did get stopped by the Japanese police I would not be raped, robbed and sold into sexual slavery if I was here illegally.  In Arizona they are not randomly stopping people and checking to see if they are legal, they are only checking people when they are stopped by the police for breaking the law.  Yes, it might only be a speeding ticket but they still broke the law.  Like I said I do not have to show my visa every time I see a cop, and in Arizona you will not either, you only have to do it is they have to stop you and investigate something, like you breaking the fucking law.  Does it hurt me to have to make sure I have my “papers” on me at all times?  No, no it doesn’t.  The only people this would hurt are people who don’t have them, the kind of person in a country illegally, the kind of person that is already breaking the law and then when they break another law they get caught.  OH NOES poor you!  No, really fuck you.  I don’t feel bad for you, I really don’t I had to do it legal and proper to live in Japan you should do it legal and proper to live in the US.  If you don’t want to do that I don’t care, fuck you have fun getting deported.

And on with more fun with the whole thing.  So morons in California (you know the state that invented stupidity and a complete lack of fiscal responsibility) specifically the Los Angeles City Council (a city that makes Kabul look like a nice place to live) want to boycott Arizona (well other people do too but Los Angeles thinks they’re cool so we will go with these morons).  So Gary Pierce, a Commissioner at the Arizona Corporation Commission sent them a nice little letter (signed by is other friends at the Commission) to the good folks on the Los Angeles City Council.  I posted it in its entirety, have fun reading it, it’s funny as hell.

“Dear Mayor Villaraigosa,

I was dismayed to learn that the Los Angeles City Council voted to boycott Arizona and Arizona-based companies — a vote you strongly supported — to show opposition to SB 1070 (Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act).

You explained your support of the boycott as follows: “While we recognize that as neighbors, we share resources and ties with the State of Arizona that may be difficult to sever, our goal is not to hurt the local economy of Los Angeles, but to impact the economy of Arizona.  Our intent is to use our dollars — or the withholding of our dollars — to send a message.” (emphasis added)

I received your message; please receive mine.  As a state-wide elected member of the Arizona Corporation Commission overseeing Arizona’s electric and water utilities, I too am keenly aware of the “resources and ties” we share with the City of Los Angeles. In fact, approximately twenty-five percent of the electricity consumed in Los Angeles is generated by power plants in Arizona.

If an economic boycott is truly what you desire, I will be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements so Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation. I am confident that Arizona’s utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands. If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona’s economy.

People of goodwill can disagree over the merits of SB 1070. A state-wide economic boycott of Arizona is not a message sent in goodwill.


Commissioner Gary Pierce”

Oh does it sound fun and considering that California is broke, on the verge of collapse and already has problems with electricity I don’t think they can afford to pull this shit.  Personally if I was Arizona I would do it no matter what the Angeles City Council does about this, fuck them they want to be a bunch of assholes let them fucking deal with the consequences of being a bunch of assholes even if they want to back out of their idiocy, when they realize the consequences of it.  They might want a fight when it sounds good for their reelection or to score political points but want to back down quietly when they realize their mistakes, no don’t let them, let them deal with it.  They wanted to say it they wanted to do it, let them have it.

I have more, well not much more but this was funny.  It’s some moron calling in to Michael Savage about the bill and they are just priceless.  And by that I I’m talking about really, really stupid.

Why yes she claimed her welfare checks are paid by the tax dollars of illegal aliens after saying Obama is the one who pays them.  I want to hope this woman never breeds but I just know she probably has 8 kids from 8 different fathers whose names she does not remember.

Anyway here is some more fun from Andrew Klavan on this mess:

H/T to Doctor Bulldog and Ronin for the videos.


I hate it here…

This Is Not A Human Right: The EU, Vacations And Idiocy

In the movie “Monty Python’s Quest For The Holy Grail” King Arthur claims that the Knights should not go to Camelot because “It’s a silly place”.  That’s how I look at Europe, the EU in particular.

“The European Union has declared travelling a human right, and is launching a scheme to subsidize vacations with taxpayers’ dollars for those too poor to afford their own trips.

Antonio Tajani, the European Union commissioner for enterprise and industry, proposed a strategy that could cost European taxpayers hundreds of millions of euros a year, The Times of London reports.”

Really, is it a right or a bullshit entitlement?

“One of the consequences of such notions as “entitlements” is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.” – Thomas Sowell.

OK, I belive people have the right to do as they please as long as it isn’t hurting others.  If you want to take a vacation do it.  I don’t need to pay for it, you do.  If entertainment and relaxation are a Human Right that I am entitled to – even at others expense – why they hell are you not sending me beer and woman.  Think about it like this you have always wanted to take a trip to Tahiti so the government (ie. taxpayers) have to foot the bill for your trip (even if they don’t want to).  Now taking your fucked up logic I have always wanted to have sex with Scarlett Johansson, Anna Tsuchiya, Freida Pinto, Monica Baccarin and Eriko Sato and my dream vacation (that I am entitled to as a Human Right) would be to spend several months on a tropical island drinking 30 year old scotch and Murphy’s Irish Stout while impregnating them.  Is this fair to those women?  In my case yes because lord knows every woman on the planet wants me to be the father of their child because I’m that cool.  But for normal people, no it’s not since it’s what a police officer would call sexual slavery and rape (I am going to assume that all those girls come willingly for me, after all it’s me, but if they didn’t I wouldn’t force them too, I’d just get confused on why they didn’t).  You can have your vacation, just as I could have Anna Tsuchiya but I would have to work for it (and be very, very lucky) and so should you (work for what you want, not have Ms. Tsuchiya, I’ll kill you before I let you talk to her).  If you can’t afford to go on vacation it’s not going to happen and if you can’t afford it because your lazy ass didn’t work for it you don’t fucking deserve it.  Now, you might wonder why I was bringing sex into this.  Think about it this way; if you do not have the right to someone else’s body for your own pleasure why would you have the right to some else’s money for your own pleasure?  You don’t.  It’s that simple, you do not have the right to someone else’s body any more than the contents of their wallet.   The problem with Human Rights is that we have gotten past the traditional ideas of what a Right is.  Rights used to be something that people couldn’t take away from you and it was a gross violation against you if they did, now people consider Human Rights things that people have to do for you even at their own expense.  True Human Rights cannot be at the expense of another, if your Rights force someone else to do something they destroy that persons Rights.  True Rights cannot do that.  Don’t be surprised, it’s not like I’m the first person to say this, and if it’s the first time you have heard it pull your head out of your ass.

You want a vacation work for it.


I hate it here…

In The World Of Who Cares Doormen Go On Strike

“It has been nearly two decades since New Yorkers faced their last doorman strike, but as the deadline for a new contract for building workers approached, the questions being posed throughout the city remained largely unchanged on Sunday.

Who will safeguard my apartment as I sleep? Greet my children when they come home from school? Accept deliveries? Clean the hallways? Sort the mail? Operate the elevator? And who, for goodness sake, will let the cleaning lady in?

Residents, co-op boards and building management companies have been busy planning for the sudden complications that could come at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday with the possible departure of the building workers who, among many other things, hold open the city’s doors.”

For the love of God don’t make me open the door to my own apartment building. What is this some third world country or the rest of the fucking planet?  Um let me put it this way door opening peoples, we are in a recession, you have a job, a job that is almost worthless.  What,  you don’t think it’s a pointless job?  Years ago they invented a machine that will do this automatically  yet they still can’t invent a machine to make fast food.  The 16 year old fry cook at Wendy’s can be considered “skilled labor” compared to a Doorman.  Just be happy you have a job.  People that graduated not only high school but college can’t get a job right now and you want to complain about it?

Let’s get to some of those pesky “questions” the people of NYC have:

Who will safeguard my apartment as I sleep?

It’s called a locked door, an alarm system and a loaded .45 and a shotgun.

Who will greet my children when they come home from school?

You.  They are your children, try talking to them once in a while and they wouldn’t be shooting up their schools, getting pregnant at 13 and idolizing rappers and other junkie.

Who will accept deliveries?

UPS/FEDEX/DHL leave a note if you are not home and you can pick it up after hours in their office.  You could also have it sent to your work so you can sign for it yourself.

Who will clean the hallways?

Find a broom if you can’t all pitch in and get a maid.

Who will sort the mail?

The mail man, it’s sort of their job.

Who will operate the elevator?

You can’t push a fucking button?  Are you serious?  You live on the 12th floor and can’t figure out that if you push the button that has a 12 on it the elevator will take you there?  Please kill yourself before you breed.

And who, for goodness sake, will let the cleaning lady in?*

Give her a key it’s not like you are there to make sure she’s not stealing shit anyway you might as well just give her a key.  Or just clean your own damn house.

Next you freaks are going to be asking me who is going to change the channel on your TV’s and remind you to breath.

Isn’t Doorman sexist, shouldn’t they be called Doorpersons now?


I hate New York…

* I am almost 99% certain that the person who wrote this article did it just to make this joke.    If it wasn’t that I have no other explanation.

Stop It With The Bullshit Racism Charges Already

Look, knock the crap off with the bull shit racism charges.  Seriously, just stop already.  Yes, people can disagree with you, it happens and it isn’t about race, its economics and political theory.  Did people yell a bunch of racist slurs at some black congressmen?  Well people say they did, but no one, and I mean no one has shown any proof that it happened.  Could it have?  Well possibly but considering the fact many people in the media already try to paint the Tea Party Movement as racists you know damn well if they had proof they would be running it 24 hours a day  for the next 3 years.  But they don’t have it, so they lie.  At one point MSNBC tried to claim a black guy was a white supremacist.  Yes MSNBC did that, had a real white supremacist showed up they wouldn’t have had to doctor the footage. They don’t have proof but the will still try to say everyone is a racist that don’t agree with the president or D.C.   You know what fuck you guys.  I want the proof, I know you are only doing this to score political points, but I want your proof.  Yeah some people might be racist, it happens but you are trying to paint a movement about lower taxes, smaller government and governmental accountability as racist because you don’t agree with their politics.

This is basically how it’s all being reported:

That’s almost not satire…  Anyhoo…

Even if one or two people did do something racist does that make the entire Tea party Movement about racism?  Does it?  Because considering it was The Black Panthers that were caught in front of a polling station during the presidential election trying to intimidate voters who didn’t want to vote for Obama (the case was dropped when the Obama justice department found out they were all registered Democrats)  does that mean all Democrats are racist?  Does the fact that the only member of Congress that was a member of the KKK is a Democrat does that make all Democrats racist?  If you are a Democrat I bet you said no, and then you will try to tell me that doesn’t count and all the Republicans and the people in the Tea Party Movement are racist (even if the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow, slavery and the KKK).  Doublethink is fun isn’t it?

Seriously, fuck you.

Andrew Breitbart has gone so far as to offer $10,000 of his own money for real proof someone called  Rep. John Lewis the “N” word:

“It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.

And surely if those cameras did not capture such abhorrence, then someone from the mainstream media — those who printed and broadcast his assertions without any reasonable questioning or investigation — must themselves surely have it on camera. Of course we already know they don’t. If they did, you’d have seen it by now.”*

I think it’s a safe bet he will never have to pay out the money.  Hell even if someone really did say it I’d put my money on it being a plant who was there only to make the protesters look bad.   The thing about all of this is the constant bullshit cries of racism are only going to do two things to this country; one is make people stop giving a shit about charges of racism to the point that they wont even care about real racism and two stratify this country into warring factions based off of race.  Neither one is good for this country.  Stop it.  Just stop it right now!  We already have people who constantly use race as a political tool, it’s wrong, we are all supposed to be American, we are all supposed to be people, not some bullshit racial or ethnic group.Race is bullshit anyway. A Nigerian man can share 99.9999% of the same genes as an Irishman, while that same Irishman only shares 92% of the same genes as the Irishman that lives on the same street.  Research genetics and you will find out race is a meaningless human construct and nothing more so why bother even talking about race, why don’t we leave it alone and move on to something relevant?  But no, we can’t do that because we would rather lie and score political points with bullshit charges of racism because it is easier than admitting race doesn’t mean anything and dealing with the real issues.

Thanks to Greg for the picture


I hate it here…


*Read the whole thing and watch the videos.

It’s Time To Stop Global Warming… Could Someone Please Get Me Another Coat?

So on the Global Warming front the world is showing record high temperatures this winter with the heat wave showing no signs of abating any time soon.  So these are some headlines from the top of the Drudge Report right now showing the catastrophe of this heat wave:

Winter Could Be Worst in 25 Years for USA…
Britain braced for heaviest snowfall in 50-years…
Elderly burn books for warmth?
Vermont sets ‘all-time record for one snowstorm’…
Iowa temps ‘a solid 30 degrees below normal’…
Seoul buried in heaviest snowfall in 70 years….
Midwest Sees Near-Record Lows, Snow By The Foot…
Miami shivers from coldest weather in decade…

Oh, wait…  Did I say global warming?  Maybe all the people in the 60’s and 70’s talking about the next ice age were right?  Oh, wait all those guys are talking about Global Warming now…

Or are really cold temperatures evidence of Global Warming, that makes sense right.  It’s really cold out -record breaking cold – so the Earth must be warming up and it’s all mankind’s fault, right?  It’s the CO2, that’s it, all that natural CO2 that makes it so warm out, never mind the fact that CO2 levels rise following periods of warming not before, but I need my grant money.  Also please pay no attention whatsoever to the fact that Mars (that as far as I know doesn’t have evil people polluting the hell out of it) was also warming at the same rate that they said the Earth was.  I think it had something to do with those Sun Cycles we are not supposed to mention in the polite company of the people trying to scam money out of us or we would get accused of denying the Holocaust.  I need my grants and my Carbon Credit money!

Wait, I’m sorry it’s not Global Warming it’s Climate Change now, that way when people realize they have been had on the “Earth is going to burn up and it’s all our fault thing” we can still blame everything on mankind, still get our grant money and it doesn’t look like quite as big of a lie.  In the spring when the temperatures start to rise again we can go right back to talking about Global Warming as if it wasn’t either a natural cycle in the Earths history (because the Earth never warmed or cooled before people invented the SUV).  Seriously how many Global Warming conferences have been snowed out in the last couple years?  Maybe we should bring them all up on Racketeering charges?

Seriously I hate it here, and it’s fucking cold out…

The Broken Angel

Some things are worth dying for, some things are not, but men are stupid, we will die for a lot of things stupid or not.  Women are one of them.  There is a certain look in a woman’s eyes that have led men to their deaths for centuries. I can’t really explain it well, I have seen it, the look, the look that will send you to your death.  It will disarm you, disarm your senses and put you under the control of something you could never hope to explain, even if you could understand it.  Some women are truly evil, they have learned to fake that look.  They learned how to act out the part for their own needs and for that they would destroy you only for themselves.  But I’m not talking now about Succubi, I’m talking about Angels.  The Angel, in them we look for something better.  In the Angel, we know there is a higher being out there waiting for us, we truly know she exists.  That’s why we don’t give up, we don’t let the false realities kill us because we know there is something more, something better.  As if we are guided by something like faith, we keep looking for our Angels.

It’s not the highest beauty that does it – as people would think – since we think about how Helen was brought to Troy by her beloved, and roused the world to fight leading to Troy’s destruction.  It didn’t work as how you think.  Men will do stupid things for a woman, and they will do really stupid things for a beautiful woman, but that’s not enough to cause the destruction of nations, that’s not enough for thousands of men to murder each other on a mass scale.  It’s the naive innocence in some women’s eyes that can destroy men and counties, for Helen was young and Paris she loved, and he in his infinite wisdom would doom his country, but they would have thrown her over the walls at the sight of the first Greek ship on the horizon if in wasn’t for the concept of a glimmer, of a higher ideal.  For Paris was trying to save her from a life she didn’t deserve.  A life as the wife of a bastard, forced for political reasons to be in bondage to one whom she didn’t love.  So Paris, young and stupid had to save her and brought destruction.  While yes, Helen was attractive, that doesn’t matter, a pretty girl can cause a bar fight, that is all.  There is a certain kind of woman who can cause the truly stupid, the real sacrifice, the most destruction, for men – and I mean real men – are to a point, always looking for an angel, an angel on Earth, but it’s always broken.  For she is an angel, an angel in chains, and someone needs to break them, to free her from bondage. An angel, broken and bound.  Men cannot abide long while knowing that exists.

The Broken Angel, because Angels don’t live here, but we want them too.  That’s why they are broken, but to us they are Angels and when we think we have found one, even God cannot stop us from the fall, to stop us from trying to save them.  Women can make a man stupid, but a certain kind can make them insane, because she is his angel, she is broken and destroyed but inside she is pure even when she for everything else is not.  She is pure, or can be, she will be, and we will save her.  We need to be there, as a savior.   It’s the stories of our youth, the noble cowboy, the samurai, the knight, always on a horse, always there to save the day.  Always there, ready, riding in when it makes the least sense except in stories, where it always does.  Always there to save the girl, our Angel, who in all cases represented purity no matter what.  Even later as the world got cynical and tried to give up, she still was the Angel, only today it’s the Broken Angel, as we are the Broken Saints, for we know we aren’t the pure, but we are still trying to search for our meaning, and we see those eyes and we want to be The Savior.  The Martyr.  Not for God, since most have long abandoned that, but we haven’t abandoned the Angels,  and to us an Angel is a doe eyed girl in trouble and there is something bred into us that forces against all logic and the concept of self to rush in and fight.  We do it for children too, because we see innocence, and something hasn’t quite died yet in us.  We die for them because they are to us the Cherubim, we cannot let them see harm.  No matter how terrible we see ourselves – because it’s the last thing left of our humanity – we cannot let them see the world.  We do it for them on only one level while the Broken Angels we do it on two.  While there may not be much left in us but foolish pride there is still the spark in us.   The idea that we are a Savior, Samurai, Cowboy, or Knight.  Glorification, as if the Elysian Fields are real.  That’s our destiny, as if that will be our eternal home.  We save the Cherubim because we know we have too, because it’s right.  We save the Angel because of love, not the romantic idea of love, for  half of the time we know it’s not possible on the Angel’s part, but for a love of the idea of the Angel, the other idea of the romantic.  The Goddess must be saved and not just because it’s right, it’s the ideal that you must save, the ideal you must defend. It’s all just words and ideas but it’s OK.  Ideals can’t always be broken down into words and even when you have them words don’t always give you the ability to express everything you mean.  We can come close but nothing can really explain the workings of idealism, the higher purpose and human stupidity.

Dreams are the lies we tell ourselves so we don’t give up.   So we don’t cry ourselves to sleep every night or eat the end of our guns.   It’s the reason we wake up in the morning and give it another go.  The sweetest lies are the dreams of mankind, but the sweetest dreams are the most dangerous for the sweetest lies are the most destructive.  All the things they say men dream of, fame, glory, honor, aren’t that important and that’s not what is at the bottom of it all.  Some can stick to that though, they are lucky, shallow, but lucky in their inability to see what is below.   Something that can drag them down.  Yes the others can drag them down, but the others you can walk away from, they are simple traps and easy to escape, it’s the dreams brought on by the Angels that will bind them and destroy them.  For many there is something else they are really dreaming of, their Angels, not just that, but being her savior, for our Angels are different but the concept and the struggle is the same.  Sometimes we win, sometimes thousand of us are slaughtered for nothing but some silly idea but we still look for our Angels.

Angels might not exist in the theological sense – it does not matter – to us even if they don’t we will make them exist here, we need to believe they exist.  We are kind of stupid that way.

More race baiting from Obama’s fan club.

So the bullshit race baiting up in full swing recently so much so in fact I bet Jesse Jackson is making a ton of money off the royalties.  I usually like Slate it has some decent articles now and then but this latest one by Diane McWhorter “A Legacy of Resentment: Are McCain and Palin Wallace’s heirs?” is just one bit fat load of bullshit.    Really have you lost all semblance of reality to the point you are comparing George C. Wallace a Democrat (wait! what? that can’t be true…) and a hard core racist and segregationist (Democrats where racist segregationists?  Never!) to McCain and especially Palin?  Why yes in fact she is.  Come the fuck on.  Are you that afraid that your Messiah Obammers might not win the election that you have to try to put out this tripe?  Right so she doesn’t come right out and call Palin and McCain racist but we get the hint Diane.  Yes she is comparing non-racial tactics used by Wallace to say McCain and Palin are just like Wallace (hint, hint).  OK so you say Wallace populism style of politics is just like  McCain and Palin so when Obama does the same thing or at least tries to it’s somehow different?  Oh wait forgot you left that one out of it didn’t you.  This entire article is nothing but a bullshit hit piece by someone who is desperate to make sure Obammers wins and an underhanded smear of Palin and McCain.

At least the assholes who just come right out and call anyone who doesn’t support Obama a racist are at least being honest with how they feal.  While it’s stupid and ignorant at least they have the balls to come right out and say it.