The world is a stupid place filled with stupid people. I might be one of them but I can at least admit when I’m wrong, change my opinion based off of new information, and acknowledge that I do not know everything. This doesn’t have much to do with with me but it does have a lot to do with stupid people who vote.


Looking at this years election all I can see in many cases is the idea that you are all being sold snake oil. Yeah, it always is in politics but there are certain candidates that it looks as if that is all they are. Some are just old school political scum like Hillary Clinton. She isn’t selling shit except the fact she thinks she deserves the nomination because she is just an egomaniac. She is a Clinton only the one with the least amount of charm. Chelsea who has very little going for he other than money and the breeding can at least smile and you don’t believe she is thinking about murdering puppies when she does. At the best of times Hillary looks like an evil alien wearing a people suit yelling love me. Enough with the Clintons, enough with the Bush’s, enough with that one guy that already dropped out.


All other candidates aside the two who I think are the definition or snake oil are Trump and Sanders. It might be for two different reasons since one might actually believe in his bullshit but that is all are, snake oil salesmen. They did tap into the problem with American politics though. The Absolut disillusionment and hatred the average person has for the political class. I get that. I’m there with you guys. I hate the DC elite shitwads just as much as you I just think you are all being taken for a ride. They are selling you the same bullshit populism and failed economic theories people have been pushing for centuries. Yeah some of the things they say might be good or even reasonable but that does not stop all the other bullshit. One is mostly nothing more than a demagogue and the other is just bribing idiots for votes off of an economic platform that anyone with sense should know could never be able to deliver a fraction of its promises.


To make is simple if you believe that Trumps believes half the shit he says and it isn’t just to get elected you are a fool and I find s strange that you will ignore his lies and then complain about Clinton’s lies. On the other side if you think that the crap that Sanders says is either constitutional or even affordable you are lying to yourself.


Now is you must know I’ll tell you of the two Trump would probably be the least worst of those two as president but as a person I like Sanders better. I don’t dislike Sanders I just think he is a fool. He is the guy in the middle of a pyramid scheme that actually believes the things he is selling. But honestly believing in something doesn’t make it correct and doesn’t mean you aren’t selling snake oil.


I have never liked Trump as a person. Yes I am biased against him in this regard. I can’t stand the guy and never have. I didn’t like him 20 years ago well before he ever tried to run for office before he even had his own annoying reality show. I think he is scum. He is the exact type of businessman that is the problem with money in politics. He was an always has been a corporatist. He used Eminent Domain to get the government to take other people homes and businesses so he could make a profit off of the land and then sent in his kickbacks to the politicians that helped him in the form of campaign contributions and such. If you don’t understand why I said corporatist look up the idea of crony capitalism. That is Donald Trump. Trump is the guy that uses politicians to get away with all of the horrible things we accuse big business of. Yeah I know when the system is rigged the loser is the one that doesn’t have his hand in the cookie jar but how about we hold fuckers to a higher standard for once. How about we stop electing people that use the government to make themselves and their friends rich. Trump is nothing more than this cancer metastasized and invigorated through populist rhetoric and bullshit. He is the other side of Politicians like Clinton, he is the businessman that is buying them. At least he in honest about it though, but that doesn’t make it right and that isn’t something to celebrate him for.


I understand though. People are angry and they are telling you what you want to hear. You are angry and they have tapped into it but they are the in many ways the cause of the problems that cause your misery. Trump has been selling away the present while Sanders is taking the selling of your future and trying to mortgage it for a 7th time.


And while Trump is trying to sell you on Corporatism Sanders if trying to bribe you with free shit no one can afford. Free college, free health care, free housing and free food. Are you sure that it is free? If it is free than the people supplying you with this health care, food, college and what not are working for your benefit without getting paid. What is a person called when they work for someone else’s benefit but does not get paid for their labor? To be honest they couldn’t even be called a slave. See a slave still costs the owner money. Yes they work for their master but the master still must feed, house and clothe them. You are asking to get the labor from these people but aren’t even willing to house and feed your own slaves. How sad are you that you can’t even take on the minimal responsibilities of a slave owner? Slavery is horrible and slave owners are fucking scum but you are less. You want the slave to have to work to feed himself and you. It’s a whole new level of exploitation. In Serfdom the lords was at least expected to protect his subjects. Is this what you are doing?


I’m going to go with a big fat no. No you are not doing anything and you are not contributing anything but you expect everything.


Sanders promises cannot be paid for. It doesn’t matter how much to tax the rich they cannot be payed. We can’t pay for the stupid shit we do now no matter how much we raise taxes. But since you are an idiot that thinks the world revolves around you you don’t really care as long as you get your’s right? We need to lower spending. Do you know what the Laffer Curve is? If you don’t you have no business talking about economics and taxation. Hell most people that do know what it is still shouldn’t. It was a general theory. It works but you need to remember that it isn’t a set amount just something you need to understand and deal with. If you have no idea what I just said you might as well consider yourself illiterate when it comes to economics. I’m a bloody accountant. I can’t say I’m a genius when it comes to economics but I do understand the idea of financial incentives. If you don’t you should. But what I really understand is debt. Debt is something you need to be very carful with. Temporary debt can be used to put yourself in a better situation but continuous debt is never good. It isn’t good if you are a business, if you are an individual and it isn’t good if you are a government. Think about this. If a company goes under their resources can then be bought and then used by other people that can do something with them and make a profit and help grow the economy. An Individual can move into a smaller home and try to build themselves back up. A government cannot collapse and sell off their assets to someone else that will build them into something else. A government collapse destroys a nation and the wealth of a nation. Granted sometimes a nation can come back but ask the Roman, Persian, Ottoman, and Austrian Empires where they are now? Ask yourself what are the consequences of the collapse of those empires?


We can’t afford either of these two idiots.





Tuesday Nights With Beer: A Drunken Rant For The Rantless

I haven’t written much lately and well…  Yeah I think I already started two rants like this so lets move on.

I got a new computer in case you care.  You don’t but we will talk about it anyway.  It’s a laptop and for some reason if I don’t have the thing plugged in the screen is at least 35% darker than it is if it is plugged in.  I don’t think I care but it’s odd.  But on the new computer thing I got a laptop but I didn’t get rid of my old desktop since it still works and no matter how many times my friends say I should get rid of it I just can’t.  It’s awesome.  well it’s not that great but it’s old and getting slow but I blame that on it not being made for Japanese power outlets since they run off less juice and the fact that it’s held together with duct tape and clay.  That and I built it out of mostly spare parts.  And clay…

I’m still living in japan and we still don’t have mutants or a million dead from radiation so I still think I’m right about the media not knowing what the fuck they are talking about.

So a lot of rioting in the UK is going on.  Or was.  I did find quite a few things funny about it since people were saying it was working class kids angry at the system for getting them or some bullshit but as Mark Steyn mentioned can you really call them working class if none of them have ever worked or their parents?  To paraphrase anyway.  The other thing was these were not all poor kids living off the dole, there were a lot of people from monied families taking part in it.  I know i talk shit about the UK all the time but seriously what is wrong with the place?  England has the most expansive welfare state in Europe (according to Europeans) and still these kids are angry?  What more do you fuckers want since it’s not jobs according to many of the british commentators it’s very hard to fill a job with English kids since they don’t even bother to apply for jobs and most places would rather higher eastern Europeans since they will actually show up and work. Do yourself a favor England give people back their guns, let them protect themselves, and force these kids off the dole and to get jobs and actually work.  And for the brats with money that pull the same shit fuck them up and teach them a lesson about being civilized human beings.  And stop being a bunch of wankers.  I don’t hate the UK or England you gave the world so much, like good beer, The Damned and the Gin n’ Tonic but you really got to pull your shit together.

Speaking of England apparently there is a group in England that want’s to create Islamic hamlets in certain parts of England that would essentially be independent states run off of Sharia law.  Really guys you don’t want to stop this?  You have Imams there living off of the dole (you know where you pay them not to work) and they are saying the want to secede from England and have their own state on your territory and you don’t do anything about this?  Cancel their government paychecks at least guys, your basically paying people to sit around and scream about revolting and you do nothing?

So in the news today I read a story about how climate change was causing higher rates of mental illness.  All I could think while reading it was maybe mental illness was causing higher rates of people yelling about climate change.   Seriously it used to be global cooling and that didn’t pan out so it was global warming.  Now it’s climate change so we can all claim anything and everything is…  Fuck you hippies.

Why does canned asparagus taste like crap but frozen if good while canned green beans taste good but frozen taste like crap?  Why does Smithwick’s beer always taste like rust out of a bottle but good out of a keg?  Why do poor people in America have cell phones, the internet, cars, and flat screen TV’s while poor people in other places have dysentery and mud houses.  These are the things we need to know.

If you don’t understand why you should hate Rachel Carson watch someone die of malaria.  I have.

In music news Gibson Guitars got raided by the Feds for using wood illegally purchased from India based off of an Indian export law on wood.  Now mind you many other US guitar companies use the same wood but Gibson gets raided but not them.  Martin uses the same wood but gives money to Democrats and Obama, Gibson gives money to Republicans and doesn’t use union labor.  Now this is the second time Obama’s DOJ has raided Gibson and the first time they never filed charges (because there was no crime) but after two years haven’t returned the confiscated wood and now they do it again.  Look the Indian government certified the wood for export, US customs certified the word for entry into the US and now the DOJ is raiding Gibson?  For what?  Breaking and Indian law the Indian government said wasn’t broken?  Now I don’t know if this was politically motivated but even if it isn’t what the fuck is going on in DC?

Arabic Numerals are from India.  The reason the are called that is because it was introduced to Europe from the Middle East.

I like Jelly beans but the people who make them need to do better.  You get a bag with 100 different flavors and while many are good you have a bunch that suck.  I hate coconut and vanilla so stop putting them in there and I have no idea why anyone thought the popcorn ones tasted like anything but shit.  Can’t I just get a bag of the awesome ones like peach and root beer? It’s like Jolly Ranchers you buy a bag and you only eat half since you hate the other half.  And who the hell likes banana flavored anything?  I like – or at least don’t mind – a banana but for some reason anything that is banana flavored tastes like what happens after you ferment a banana in a hookers asshole filled with toxic waste and used embalming fluid.  Well at least it isn’t coconut.

Back onto my new computer.  It’s great I mostly use it for looking up shit when playing video games so depending on your view it may not have been worth it.  But fuck you I contributed to the economy something way to many people don’t even pretend to do.  Still you don’t care and probably shouldn’t…

I realized the other day I only use my vacation days when I want to go to a concert in the middle of the week and don’t want to go into work the next day.  Considering I have a ton of the things saved up I really need to take a real vacation.  The problem with vacations (or even weekends) is that I am never more angry at work than after a day off.  I really need a new job but they pay me to live in Japan (although that’s probably not why I get the paycheck) so I can’t complain that much.  No, no I can, fuck these guys.

Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy pleasure and that’s good enough.

So apparently in several cities they have been having racial charged flash mobs.  Now the police and politicians aren’t calling it that and a lot of places are kind of pretending the racial aspect of it doesn’t exist but it does.  This is wrong tell the truth about things no matter how ugly.

Just so you know in the event of a race riot I will shoot anyone involved no matter what their skin color is so leave me out of your idiocy and in the event of a race war I completely condone the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons against all parties involved.    Seriously I’m not going to fuck around with you morons.


I hate it here…

Oh My God Susan Feinberg Is Angry With You For Doing Something That Has Nothing To Do With Something Else, Run For The Hills!!!! Wait… Who The Hell Is Susan And Why Should I care?



“Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), a leading advocate of shrinking entitlement spending and the architect of the plan to privatize Medicare, spent Wednesday evening sipping $350 wine with two like-minded conservative economists at the swanky Capitol Hill eatery Bistro Bis.” 


Um, so someone went to dinner with some other people he knows.  This is news because it’s not like this doesn’t happen all the fucking time or anything so why is this news?


“Susan Feinberg, an associate business professor at Rutgers, was at Bistro Bis celebrating her birthday with her husband that night. When she saw the label on the bottle of Jayer-Gilles 2004 Echezeaux Grand Cru Ryan’s table had ordered, she quickly looked it up on the wine list and saw that it sold for an eye-popping $350, the most expensive wine in the house along with one other with the same pricetag.”


So some people who have money got something expensive at a restaurant?  Still why is this news?


“Feinberg, an economist by training, was even more appalled when the table ordered a second bottle. She quickly did the math and figured out that the $700 in wine the trio consumed over the course of 90 minutes amounted to more than the entire weekly income of a couple making minimum wage.


“We were just stunned,” said Feinberg, who e-mailed TPM about her encounter later the same evening. “I was an economist so I started doing the envelope calculations and quickly figured out that those two bottles of wine was more than two-income working family making minimum wage earned in a week.”

Oh my god rich people ordering something that poor people can’t afford!!!  Wait still why is that news?


“She was outraged that Ryan was consuming hundreds of dollars in wine while Congress was in the midst of intense debates over whether to cut seniors’ safety net, and she didn’t know whether Ryan or his companions was going to pay for the wine and whether the two men were lobbyists. She snapped a few shots with her cell phone to record the wine purchase.”


Oh, I know because someone has a political agenda that’s why.   My question was if Mrs.  Feinberg is so annoyed by rich people spending money at an expensive restaurant why the hell was she at the same place?  I bet even if she didn’t get that expensive bottle of wine her meal was a lot more than a person making minimum wage could afford for a night out.    OK leaving all that aside for the moment was the meal paid for by the taxpayers?  Wait, no it wasn’t so why should you care?  Now don’t give me the bullshit about since he is in Congress he gets paid by the taxpayers so it is the public’s money because it isn’t and while I do think they get paid too much once we give it to them it’s theirs to do with as they like.  Even pay too much for booze, something Paul Ryan even admitted was too expensive and since he didn’t know the price at the time would not have done had he known.  Yeah, like you’ve never done that.


Now back to Mrs. Feinberg.  You are an economics professor and angry about people who have money spending it during a recession, are you insane?  I might not be some obnoxious economics professor (full disclosure; I studied music before I switched to history and political science) but last time I checked in the type of economy we have that people spending money helps the economy rather than hurts it and in a recession/depression/whatever the fuck this is most people are not spending enough money to get us out of this shit so every little bit helps.  I can honestly say that you should never take an economics class (or probably any class) with Mrs. Feinberg.


I understand the lobbyist thing but let’s not get into a selective outrage debate since its par for the course in D.C. and it’s not like any side is less guilty. Plus they weren’t lobbyist and Mrs. Feinberg didn’t know who they were she just assumed they were lobbyists (as in she decided to get angry with people she knew nothing about in a situation she knew nothing about AKA she fucked up).  So what is the real issue here?  The real issue is that “she was outraged that Ryan was consuming hundreds of dollars in wine while Congress was in the midst of intense debates over whether to cut seniors’ safety net”.  Let me explain something to you.  A person, with money, buying expensive hooch (while silly) has nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing with the fact that the U.S. government is fucking broke and bleeding money every fucking second and some people in the government are trying to find way to spend less money the government doesn’t have.  Remember Mrs. Feinberg is an economics professor, you know the people who should know that if you don’t have any money and if you are in trillions of dollars of debt and have no way of paying it off you might want to look at your finances and start cutting your expenses.  Let me explain some things to you.  There is nothing, and I mean nothing in the Constitution that requires or ever pretends to suggest the government provide anyone with medical care or a retirement fund.  Hell half of the Constitution is telling the government what it can’t do.  So when the government spends too much money and is broke (like now)  we can spend what money we have on the things specifically mentioned in the Constitution (such as national defense) and start spending less money on things not mentioned (and depending on your viewpoint on the subject possibly unconstitutional) such as Social Security (the world’s only legal ponzi scheme) and Medicare/Medicaid or we can let the government dig an even deeper hole until even Greece and Zimbabwe are laughing at us.  Yes we can raise taxes but there is a thing you might have heard about called diminishing returns, the Laffer curve, and the fact that only 50% of the public is required to pay income tax.  As an economics professor Mrs. Feinberg should have heard all of this someplace.  She should also have heard of Keynesian economics something from this guy John Maynard Keynes all the liberals love but don’t understand what he really meant.  Keynes believed to get out of a depression you did need government intervention and deficit spending however the deficit spending was supposed to be short term and not continuous as how government currently works and during this period it was supposed to be augmented with tax cuts so people had more money to spend in order to jumpstart the economy.  Currently the people who use the Keynes model go for tax increases and continuous deficit spending so are therefore bastardizing Keynesian economics into something Keynes never intended and – while I have no proof of this since we were never friends and he’s dead – would reject as stupid and dangerous.  As an economics professor Mrs. Feinberg should know all of this.  Apparently she doesn’t, so I say again never take a class she teaches.


Let’s keep going with this evening out…


“After ending their meal and paying the check, Feinberg decided to give Ryan a piece of her mind. She approached the table and asked Ryan “how he could live with himself” sipping expensive wine while advocating for cuts to programs for seniors and the poor. Some verbal jousting between Feinberg and the other two men ensued. One of the two men said he had ordered the wine, was drinking it and paying for it. In hearing how much the wine cost, Ryan said only: “Is that how much it was?”


I hate it when people I don’t know feel the need to preach to me in public, or to put it another way if, I am having dinner/playing darts/drinking with friends/doing anything and I am not bothering you (as in talking to you or actually doing something to you) I hate it when people feel the need to get in my face and start lecturing me on anything.  I don’t do it to other people because it’s rude.  Hell, I have a friend and half of what we do is get into political debates (or well, we will debate anything but usually politics, comic books or anime, we are nerds)  and if someone butts in no matter what side they are for one of us will play devil’s and we will both go after them simply because you have annoyed us buy butting in so we will go after you till you leave us alone.  We don’t always do this, if the person butts in but has something relevant to say, isn’t an ass about it and has something to add to the conversation we will let them into the debate and new friends can be made.  However attacking people you don’t know (yes Mr. Ryan is a public figure but the other people were not and you don’t know him you know of him, there is a difference) and don’t know you, and yes in this situation it was an attack you are just being rude and annoying.  I don’t confront celebrities on the street to tell them I thought their last movie/album sucked and if I saw a politician on the street or in a restaurant I didn’t like I would let them eat their fucking dinner since if they don’t agree with me yelling at them only makes my side of the argument look bad.  Even if I liked the guy I probably wouldn’t even bother talking to them because maybe they just want to be left alone with some friends and relax.  Now if the guy sat down at the bar next to me I might talk to them but talking (not attacking) someone sitting next to you at a bar is common and how friends are made even with people you don’t always agree with.  Harassing people eating dinner or any meal for that matter is one of the rudest and most annoying things you can do right after lighting someone on fire above bringing a crying baby into a movie theater.


More bullshit from Mrs. Feinberg…


“It was my birthday, and I’d had half a bottle of great wine with dinner,” she wrote in an e-mail to TPM. “I wasn’t drunk, but I was certainly emboldened to speak my mind.”


OK, I will admit half a bottle of wine doesn’t get me drunk but I have a high tolerance so neither does a six pack, but after a six pack I’m never “emboldened to speak my mind” to random strangers because I don’t like their view on economic policy while they are having dinner.  If she wasn’t drunk she was at least buzzed enough to irritate people but even if she wasn’t drunk or the booze had no effect on her it still doesn’t excuse her behavior.  Hell if she was drunk that still doesn’t excuse her behavior.  I never try to excuse my behavior when I’m drunk by saying I was drunk.  I admit that while I might have been drunk I should not have done/said what I did and apologize for it.  Would I have done/said the same thing sober?  No, no I would not have done (fill in the blank) but being drunk does not excuse my behavior it just might help explain why I was an asshole but I was still an asshole and for that I would still have to make amends.  What she should have said was “I saw a politician I don’t agree with eating dinner so I started a fight because I’m a bitch and have poor self control”.  Did she? No, instead she got angry that they were annoyed that she was being a bitch and accused them of being “confrontational”.


Oh boo fucking hoo!  Really, are you serious?  You accost me anywhere I’m going to get “confrontational” with you.  You’re verbally attacking someone trying to eat dinner (something I would call “confrontational”) what the hell do you expect?  To me bothering people while they’re eating is right up there with telemarketing at midnight in the T. Yamamoto book of rude things to do to people.  You just don’t do it and if you absolutely have to do it you apologize about a million times while doing it.  If I am at a store buying a CD and you – someone I don’t know – decide to start telling me how much you hate that band and how much I should like that band and how there is something wrong with me for liking it I’m going to tell you to “fuck off” and if I am eating dinner and you walk up to my table I’m going to tell you to “fuck off”  and if you don’t because you are so important and what you believe is so important (Mrs. Feinberg) that you can’t just walk the hell away and leave people alone I’m going to get “confrontational” in the hope you will leave so I can get back to living my life without your annoying bullshit.  This is the kind of person that would walk up to a person and punch them in the face and then get angry that the person fought back.  Oh, right it’s OK when you do it I understand. Wait no, no I don’t fuck you.  If you start a fight don’t cry about it when people fight back.    I hate hypocrites but the worst kind are the ones that want you to feel sorry for them when they pull their bullshit.


Mrs. Feinberg works at Rutgers University as an economics professor.  Under no circumstances should you attend Rutgers if Mrs. Feinberg even remotely represents the professors there and you sure as hell shouldn’t go there for economics.





I hate it here…



The People’s Cell Phone: Fail Called, He Was Asking For You

With a marketing plan that is sure to take the country by storm CREDO a wireless company is sure to win.  No seriously, I would be amazed if they are not bankrupt in 5 years (unless Soros the Progressive Santa doesn’t intervene and keep them afloat like a Soviet Client State or their Obamessiah gives them a bail-out).

“A San Francisco-based wireless company is working liberal political activism into its business plan in a unabashedly partisan marketing strategy that experts say could catch on in today’s polarized culture — but also could alienate many potential customers.

The company, CREDO, even boasts that it has the support of President Obama as it markets itself as an agent of social change. It pitches its mobile phone services with a vow to fight for “real” health care reform, free speech, peace and the environment.”

Oh isn’t that cute?  No seriously you’re going down.  They are marketing themselves only to the far left, and since most people outside of a collage faculty meeting are not far left this is probably not a good business model.  Granted it might work on a very small scale but I can’t see how you could possibly get anything more than .01% of the national market with this.    Think about it like this take the two biggest political parties in the US the Democrats and the Republicans, these guys have just lost business from all of one part and probably most of the other since the company is proud of going after moderate Democrats.  Now what about everyone else?  How many independents are going to be swayed into getting a phone from these guys with all the constant political marketing?  I might be going out on a limb here but I’m going to go with not a whole hell of a lot.

I don’t know if this is true but if it isn’t it should be:

The first rule of business is never alienate a potential customer, and for god’s sake never do it on purpose.

There is a place for businesses in small specialized markets, like record stores, night clubs or clothing stores.  But cell phone companies?  I don’t think so, you’re going to have a hard time running a national cellular network if you’re only customers are 35 kids that don’t shower and work as “performance  artists” (ie. on welfare or leaching off their parents).

“CREDO’s political attacks, however, have opened it to criticism that it hasn’t lived up its own lofty standards.

Some critics on the left have taken the company to task for offering a credit card through the bank MBNA, the top contributor to Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign. And union leaders have charged the company with hypocrisy for attacking its rivals.

“There’s no small irony in CREDO ‘calling out’ Verizon Wireless,” Steve Early, a former union organizer at AT&T and Rand Wilson, a AFL-CIO union organizer, wrote in the magazine In These Times. “CREDO itself is also completely non-union!”

Early and Wilson noted that AT&T is unionized and derided CREDO for “marketing itself as a bankroller of every kind of rights movement — except the workers’ rights one.”

Sorry that is too funny.  Don’t feel bad guys, ACORN makes sure their employees don’t unionize too, so you’re not the only far left hypocrites out there.

Look I do have a problem with companies giving money to politicians, not because I don’t like who they give it to but because the less money politicians have the better, and it’s harder to try to buy them off if you can’t give them shit.  But since the system allows it they can give money to whoever the want to for any reason, I just don’t think it’s a wise move to try to use it as your marketing strategy.  Till we make it so political donations can come only from a private citizen and not a company companies will always give money to some people, hell they usually give to both parties anyway, that’s life.

Good luck guys I hope you’re buddy Obama buys enough phones to keep you afloat (he won’t, you’re not big enough to get a bail-out and won’t be, ever) but if I were you I’d knock the shit off change you’re name, fire the idiots that thought this was a good idea, disavow any connection to this crap and just try to run a successful  business.

I hate it here….

Hurry Batman, The Obama-Joker Has Broken Out of Arkham Asylum Again!


Everything said about Obama is not Racist!  Really how is painting up Obama to look like the Joker racist?  It’s not, it has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with race.

From the LA Weekly:

“The poster, which bears a very superficial resemblance to Shepard Fairey’s famous Obama Hope illustration, has been pasted on freeway supports and other public surfaces. It has a bit of everything to appeal to the drunk tank of California conservatism: Obama is in white face, his mouth (like Ledger’s Joker’s) has been grotesquely slit wide open and the word “Socialism” appears below his face. The only thing missing is a noose.”

I hate to break it to the people that think they are journalists over at the LA Times, but the reason there wasn’t a noose was because the Joker didn’t run around with a nose around his neck.  That and IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE!  Look there might be some people out there that do care about Obama’s race, they’re called KKK and The Black Panthers (or as I like to call it, the KKK for black people).  Yes they are both racist morons and they both vote Democrat, but I digress, most people are not racists and most things have nothing to do with race.  Plus remember this well, Obama is just as White as he is Black, he’s Mixed, Half n’ Half, Mulatto, or as my one friend likes to refer to himself “Halfrican”.  I’m not even sure if I’m even allowed to use “half” of those terms anymore without being called a racist, the point is even if it is “racist” as these idiots say it is are they going after the Black half or the White half, remember they did paint him white, like Whiteface or something, hmm it’s  a conundrum isn’t it?

Stop with the BS race baiting, I know Jesse Jackson doesn’t want to find a real job, so we might never get rid of BS charges of racism, but how are we ever going to have a legitimate political debate if you just go with the ad hominem attacks on everyone who doesn’t agree with Obama and call them a racist rather than debate the argument, or in this case the funny poster.  Oh… Wait you don’t want to have a debate you want to stop anyone from speaking out against Obama by trying to make them look like a racist so they keep their mouths shut out of fear.

And wait, didn’t the LA Weekly have this on their cover?


Oh but I guess that is OK, but making fun of Obama, oh that is wrong!  I believe the term is “hypocrites”, and speaking of hypocrites there is also this:

“Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable  President Earl Ofari Hutchinson is calling the depiction, politically mean spirited and dangerous.

Hutchinson is challenging the group or individual that put up the poster to have the courage and decency to publicly identify themselves.

“Depicting the president as demonic and a socialist goes beyond political spoofery,” says Hutchinson, “it is mean-spirited and dangerous.”

“We have issued a public challenge to the person or group that put up the poster to come forth and publicly tell why they have used this offensive depiction to ridicule President Obama.”

So where was Mr. Hutchinson during all pictures made of Bush, oh wait he didn’t care because it wasn’t his guy, I forgot about that.  Not only that but the guy is demanding that the little Thought Criminals come forward, it sounds to me like what they used to do in communist countries like China during the Cultural Revolution, and what they still do all the time in North Korea, where people are forced to confess all their shortcomings, especially all their “Reactionary” thoughts in front to their classmates or neighbors so they can be publicaly shamed for their impure thoughts.

So not only is it racist, and dangerous but they Bastards must come forward for a good public flogging.  Speaking of it being dangerous, really how is it “dangerous”?  Is Mr. Hutchinson afraid Batman will get confused and got try to fight Obammers or has he drank so much of the Kool-Aid he doesn’t realize how stupid he sounds?

This did spawn a couple of  good t-shirts such as one that had “Why So Socialist” under the picture.  I might have to buy that.

why so socialist

If Obama is the Joker, would that make Nancy Pelosi The Scarecrow, Barny Franks The Penguin and Michele Obama Harley Quinn?

wait this is what we worry about?

Openly gay diver wins gold

Woohoo Who cares. Really Good for you on winning the gold but really does what hole you prefer to stick it in really matter? This isn’t quite like Jessie Owens giving Hitler the finger now is it. You are in China the country that jails reporters for telling the truth, cheats in the games to win by abusing children and murders innocent people and sells their fucking organs for profit and this is what we get from the fucking “news”?

Remember Tibet? Anybody? This Olympics is a fucking sham and a travesty for human rights and we are worried about this! You might as well have spelling bee in North Korea and get all happy because a blond girl wins.

I hate it here…

Fire some tear gas in there that will teach the morons!

hippiesFor those who have been following the U.C. Berkeley Oak Grove tree sit what I want to know is why don’t they just fuck the hell out of these morons with tear gas?  They want these stupid hippies to knock the crap off light their asses up already.  Granted I know many of the tree sitting jack-asses will get hurt while falling from their perches but really thats what I am advocating here.    Look when someone is named “Dumpster Muffin” I really really don’t care how badly you get injured for you idiocy.  I in fact hope for it and want to watch it on instant replay several times.

Really how bad did you have to fuck up at being a parent when these are your children?

I am trying to consider you all count as people but you are making it very hard for me to do so.

H/t  Zomblog

If you punish your kid in Canada you get taken to court and lose!

I was going to do a post on this myself but I got beaten to the punch.  A 12 year old girl sued her dad and won when he grounded her for among other things posting pictures of herself online?  Yeah read it and have fun.

Well there goes parental rights.  It would be a lot easier for the people of Canada if the government just told them what “Rights” they still have left.

H/T Gay Conservative

This was my favorite part of Obama’s speach.

obama jesus

I am your new Jebus you will obey!  Bring me Nachos.

Indiana Jones makes communism look bad?

communsim“Leaders of the Communist Party of St. Petersburg have accused the actors Harrison Ford and Cate Blanchett of being “capitalist puppets” and promoting crude, anti-Soviet propaganda in their new film, “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.”

Really Indiana Jones makes communism look bad? I know the last movie sucked a phat one but really are you serious?  What about the Gulags, forced starvation of the Ukraine, the pogroms against the Kulaks, or The killing Fields? None of these make communism look bad?

Nope it’s Indiana Jones!

Let’s see

USSR – Between 44-66 million
China – Between 70 – 100 million
Cambodia – Between 1.5 – 1.7 Million (25-35% of the countries population)
Yugoslavia – About 1 million
North Vietnam/Republic of Vietnam – Between 500,000 – 1 million
North Korea – At least 1.7 million
Cuba – 31,173 (although I think this number is vastly underestimated)

So if you only take these you get 171,431,173 people murdered.

Indiana Jones, really?

None of these figures include deaths cause by wars either directly started by communist countries or through proxy. These numbers are only people killed by intentional government programs. Now this list is not inclusive of all communist oppression/murder I just used these as an example. Essentially Marxism has contributed to the deaths of over 200 million people world wide and I might be low balling that number. All the deaths in WWII civilian/military only was only around 72.5 million for some perspective.

Now some one tell me how Indiana Jones is making communism look bad? It seems to have done a good job of doing that for itself. Now you can argue that it is not the true intention of the Marxist system however since socialism and communism must rule through absolute control, the idea of the constant class war, and the worldwide aims of Marxist ideology it is very hard to divorce the mass murder from the actually ideology. Even the revolutionary nature/ideology of Marxism implies the need for brutality in order to create and then keep the populace in subservience to the state.

Capitalism on the other hand is an economic system not a totally inclusive political/economic/social ideology like communism. A capitalist country can do bad things but it isn’t from capitalism it’s from the individual government. If you do not or cannot understand the difference you might want to take off the Che’ t-shirt and read a book that wasn’t written by Kim IL Sung or Noma Chomsky.
Before you bitch democracy can have it’s problems as well but has never even come close to the brutality of communism. Only through a government with limited powers (through a constitution) can true freedom and human rights exist.  Otherwise you are at the whim of your masters (screwed).

“And it’s a holiday in Cambodia
Where you’ll do what you’re told
A holiday in Cambodia
Where the slums got so much soul”