People Want Higher Taxes. For You, Not them.

So the other day* Obama claimed the other day the 80% of America wanted higher taxes?  Um, right.  OK lets pretend this is true.  How many of those people want higher taxes for themselves?  I’m going to go with a lot less than 80%, there are people out there that want higher taxes but for other people or on things they don’t use but I doubt anywhere close to 80% that Obama claims want higher taxes for themselves (maybe 3%).  It’s always easy to get support for taxing the crap out of someone else, the rich (whatever someone’s personal idea of who is rich), corporations and smokers are always easy targets but tell people that you are going to make say the 50% of the public that doesn’t pay income tax or try to tax a union members benefits package and suddenly the idea of taxes is a horrible thing and you are a horrible person for mentioning it.  See almost no one wants to pay higher taxes since everyone wants to keep as much of their money as they can but there are a lot of people out there that have no problem with making other people pay higher taxes because really “fuck them I want my benefits but don’t really want to pay for it”.  See people look at all the crap the government gives away and say “Hey free shit gimme, gimme, gimme” and either don’t know that nothing is or can be free or frankly don’t care because they honestly believe they shouldn’t have to work for or take care of themselves, and that’s just sad.  They say the rich are greedy and that might be true but people are greedy when they’re poor too so it’s really just hypocrisy and class warfare rather than a real statement of some great truth.  You want truth.  People can be greedy. there is your truth.  No qualifiers just that one sentence.  People can also be nice, heroic, cowardly, deceitful, attractive, ugly, loving, hateful and short.  Once again it’s truth because people can be all of those and some people can be many of those together since people can be contradictory.  It’s not about how much money you have that makes you something it’s about what you do with your life.  Yes life can be easier if you have money but even money doesn’t always make life easy but that is another rant.

There are a lot of people out there that think the government is a charity organization and expect people (usually other people) to pay for that.  That’s wrong the government isn’t a charity organization and forcing other people to pay for you pet projects or your causes isn’t charity.  What people who want higher taxes really want is to redistribute other people wealth, and I really do mean other people’s since if they really wanted more money to go to this or that they could take out their checkbook and hold off on that new Blu-Ray player or iPad.   But no we don’t want that we want other people to pay, hell a lot of people as I already said don’t even want to pay for their own stuff and want to make other do it, that’s why you have people calling cell phones, vacations and internet access civil rights that the government should pay for (or in other words taxes payers).


I know Obama once said he actually believes his own bullshit but he doesn’t really believe this “80% of people want higher taxes” bullshit does he?  I might buy it if he had said 45% of the US populations want’s higher taxes and 97% of those people want higher taxes for other people.  Even if somehow this 80% number was true what are the reasons for this number?  Remember kids statistics can lie if you don’t know the reason(s) behind the numbers.


I’ll say it like this if you want higher taxes for other people but not yourself, fuck you.  If you want higher taxes for other people and don’t pay income tax at all, fuck yourself twice.



*FYI usually when I say “the other day” it means anywhere from a week to 3 years ago just in case anyone wanted to complain this was from a couple of months ago.  That and I started this rant then but didn’t get back to it till now.




I hate it here…

All The Irritation I Missed Last Time: Or I Make Fun Of Current Events

Really, I Hadn’t Noticed

“Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) says Democrats are “trying on every front to increase the role of government.”

The only This about this that’s newsworthy is that a politician told the truth.
Congratulations You Earn Yourself A Punch In The Face

“Indeed, the eco-revolution that began with blue boxes and the exile of aerosol 25 years ago has evolved into a consumer-scape in which double-bagging makes you a veritable environmental terrorist.

So discovered Robin Roo when she recently asked to have her groceries placed in plastic bags. The Toronto nurse was immediately admonished by both the cashier and the person behind her in line, who suggested that she “strongly consider re-usable bags” in the future.”

Seriously if this happens to me I might hit you.  Or I am going to have a long talk with you manager.  All I want is some ground beef and jalapeno flavored potato chips so hear a sermon from the idiot working the cash register.  Or the idiot behind me in line.

“Dajana Fabjanovich, a communications consultant from Edmonton, says she’ll “absolutely pass eco-judgment on others,” due mainly to her belief that it’s the little things that often make the biggest environmental impact.

“Whenever I spot something that could be recycled in our garbage at home, I will call out to my husband, ‘We are a recycling family!’ ” says Fabjanovich, 34.

“(And) when I drive by our neighbours’ back alleys, I almost always check to see how many blue recycling bags they’ve put out for pickup.”

Dajana is a nutcase.  She’s like her own little eco-friendly version of Big Brother looking out for Greencrimes.  I would like to warn everyone that it is not a bright idea to come to my house to rifle through my trash while on some pompous and misguided crusade, since I will probably hurt you, badly.  Look if you want to recycle do it, I do, but unlike you I don’t have to act like a holier-than-thou eco-douche.  So title of the article was “Most Canadians now see environmental irresponsibility as social faux pas“, yet somehow they didn’t notice while reporting on the lady getting harassed by people while at the store that it is also a “faux pas” to accost someone and berate them in public over something like a grocery bag.

Cult Dedicated To Fraud Convicted Of Fraud

“PARIS (AP) – A Paris court convicted the Church of Scientology of fraud and fined it more than euro600,000 ($900,000) on Tuesday, but stopped short of banning the group’s activities.”

What the Church of Scientology convicted of fraud, how could that happen?  No really how could it when the whole thing was created to scam people out of money, like a pyramid scheme or having John Edwards as your lawyer.  The entire history of Scientology is filled with nothing more than fraud, murder, intimidation and duping idiots out of money.  How the hell it is considered a religion I have no idea.   For a nice and funny look into Scientology go here. Sorry I could not embed it, or I did not bother taking the time.


For the less funy parts of this cult watch this:



The Cultural Revolution Comes To Chicago

“Chicago and Cook County residents aren’t the only ones about to get shocking tax news; the city is debuting a “tax whistle-blower” plan that could turn neighbor against neighbor in Chicago’s business community.

The folks at city hall will pay cash bounties to informants who turn in business tax cheats around the city. The reward would amount to some sort of percentage of the tax money that the city recovers.

“It’s just another way of bringing people into compliance,” Revenue Department spokesman Ed Walsh told the Sun-Times.”

Yes folks denounce your neighbors, denounce your parents, can’t let the Reactionaries and bourgeois get away with their crimes against our workers paradise.  Look I’m not saying people should cheat on their taxes, but every other asshole in Chicago is going to either turn people in hoping for a pay out or use this as an excuse to go after their competitors.  Think about it all you need to do it turn in the guy across  the street so he gets saddled with the legal bills from this and even if it turns out to be nothing you have screwed him over and he might not recover.  Another thing is that considering Chicago has a massive crime rate and some of America’s if not the worlds most corrupt political culture I think they have bigger things to worry about than a couple people that might be cheating on their taxes.  Plus if we got rid of all the tax cheats how will Obama ever find his political appointees?


OK, I’m done fow now, have fun and remember kids that I hate it here…

I don’t think D.C. likes to listen

Obama and the other political scum infesting D.C. don’t look like they are listening to people much these days.   The fun is that there is talk of a national sales tax of 10% or  Value Added Tax (VAT), now before the Fair Taxers get all happy it’s not to replace the atrocity that is the Federal Income tax and the IRS, no it’s another tax on top of all the other taxes the government takes out of us at gunpoint.  Yeah the country is broke, but last time I checked it the the governments inability to control it’s own spending, especially on things that are not mentioned as powers granted to them in the Constitution, that got us into this mess, and a VAT is not in any way even remotely Constitutional, but we all know that has never stopped Congress before.  Maybe Obama, and Congress need to stop spending money we don’t have and cut spending if they don’t have enough money.  But that wold make too much sense now wouldn’t it?  

 Trust me, the more people are taxed the less money they have to spend, the less money they have to spend the less money goes into the economy, the less money going into the economy, means the less money employers have to either higher new people or even maintain the people they have, meaning less people working, less people working means less money in the economy ect…  OK you get the point by now right?  And all this still means the government is still not going to get the money they want because well it just isn’t there, but they can try to raise that new 10% tax to 15% to make up the difference and the cycle starts all over again.  And I don’t want to hear that it’s going to be temporary, the original federal Income Tax was going to be temporary, and it’s still here, and don’t tell me it wont go up, because it will.    

Inters tingly enough I don’t really have a very big problem with the idea of a 10% sales tax, in fact if we totally scrapped the income tax for a 10% sales tax I would love it, this isn’t that, this is just another 10% tax on top of all the taxes we already pay.    

Remember only last month all the people that attended the Tea Parties across the country?  Remember what that was about, something about people being fed up with taxes?  Now we want to raise taxes even more to pay for every idiotic notion the bastards in D.C. can think up because they can’t figure out how to be financially responsible.  I know this is just something that’s being talked about right now and as of yet no one has tried to put it into a bill just yet, but I wouldn’t put it past the bottom feeders that make up the federal government.       

Just a little bit of historical trivia for the morons in Congress and the White House, this country was founder of a revolt over taxes, you might want to take a serious step back and think about this really hard before you do something even dumber than all the crap you have already pulled.  I’m not saying people are about to violently revolt, but there is only so much people can take before things might get interesting.    

Either way we get screwed into paying for politicians mistakes, the ones they made intentionally, in many cases knowing the consequences before hand.  Yep. it’s going to be a long four years.


I hate it here…

Ranting, politics, slavery and no llamas

islam catIt’s been awhile since I had a good rant so here goes.

With all the crap people talked about Bush for not being able to speak very well has anyone noticed Obama, the Great Orator’s inability to speak without a teleprompter? Really it’s not that Obama is a good speaker it’s just that he is really good at reading out loud.  Ever hear the guy without one?  He can’t even string enough words together to make a sentence, at least Bush could do that, yeah Bush might mangle a word here and there but he could at least complete a sentence without saying Um, Uhh, Huh, and Aaaa, every second!  It’s like watching a ventriloquists dummy up there and the Teleprompter has it’s hand up the guys ass!  Hell the only complete sentence I have ever heard from Obama that wasn’t from a teleprompter, he was making fun of the Special Olympics,  I bet Mr. Teleprompter won’t make that mistake again, letting his dummy run off without him.

Speaking of Obama I know I talked about the idiocy of his gifts of DVD’s that don’t work in England to Brown, but what the hell is up with his gift to the Queen?  Really an iPod might be a nice gift, assuming the Queen doesn’t already have one, but who the hell wants an iPod filled with Obama speeches and Show Tunes?  Really leaving aside how annoying show tunes are, how big does your ego have to be to think someone really wants several hours of you talking as a gift? It’s not the same as Ozzie or The Clash giving you a special box set of all their recording, but that is music it makes sense.  But giving someone a gift of just them talking for hours?  I’d punch my own mother if she gave me something like that as a gift.  Maybe the Queen likes Show Tunes and if she does fair enough, but  Obama Speeches?

I have a question for the media, at what point will you even try to fake like you are journalists long enough to even pretend to ask Obammers a tough question?  Or even a real one at that?  Seriously folks Obama’s sperm is not going to cure cancer so what don’t you guys stop drinking the shit long enough to do your jobs.  Even Pravda would have been ashamed watching you guys.  Last time I watched MSNBC I could have sworn that they had resurrected Walter Duranty from the grave to cover Obama.  I’m joking, Walter Duranty might have been on the Soviet payroll and spent all his time printing lies and propaganda for the USSR, but he was still better than Keith Olbermann, a man whose only contribution to Journalism is his ability to be everything that wrong with it at the same time, most journalists only have some of the problem traits, Olbermann has them all, and relishes in them.  It’s as if someone had pulled one of the brain dead freaks from the Daily Kos out of their mother’s basement, forced them to shower and put them on TV.

I refuse to feel guilty about living, I refuse to feel guilty about the things in my life that make it better than other peoples lives, at the same time I refuse to be envious over the lives of those who have it better than me.  Envy it can be said is one of the causes of all the worlds problems, one country looks at another and rather than emulating the things that make it better they invade it.  Politicians use envy to get elected and than steal money from one group to give it to another in order to maintain power.  There are entire political philosophies based on Envy and their track record can be summed up in two things, Oppression and Mass-murder.  There is a reason the 10th Commandment is about the evils of envy.  God knew it wasn’t a good thing, so bad in fact he made it a sin.

As P.J. O’Rourke said:

“The Bible might seem to be a strange place to be doing economic research, but I have been thinking, from a political economy point of view, about the Tenth Commandment. Now the first nine commandments concern theological principles–thou shall not steal and kill and so forth. Fair enough. Then there’s the Tenth Commandment: “Thou shall not covet they neighbor’s wife. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.” I mean, here are God’s basic rules for how we should live, a very brief list of sacred obligations and solemn moral precepts, and right at the end of it is: “Don’t envy your buddy his cow.” What is that doing there? Why would God, with just 10 things to tell Moses, choose jealousy about the stuff the guy next door has? Well, think about how important to the well-being of a community that commandment actually is. What that commandment says is that if you want a donkey, if you want a pot roast, if you want a cleaning lady, don’t bitch about it, go get your own!

The Bible might seem to be a strange place to be doing economic research, but I have been thinking, from a political economy point of view, about the Tenth Commandment. Now the first nine commandments concern theological principles–thou shall not steal and kill and so forth. Fair enough. Then there’s the Tenth Commandment: “Thou shall not covet they neighbor’s wife. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.” I mean, here are God’s basic rules for how we should live, a very brief list of sacred obligations and solemn moral precepts, and right at the end of it is: “Don’t envy your buddy his cow.” What is that doing there? Why would God, with just 10 things to tell Moses, choose jealousy about the stuff the guy next door has? Well, think about how important to the well-being of a community that commandment actually is. What that commandment says is that if you want a donkey, if you want a pot roast, if you want a cleaning lady, don’t bitch about it, go get your own!

The Tenth Commandment sends a message to socialists, to collectivists, to people who believe that wealth is best obtained by redistribution, and that message is clear and concise: Go to hell! It’s as simple as that.”

Speaking of the wisdom from the Bible, I have an excerpt from, 1 Samuel Chapter 8:

10 And Samuel told all the words of the LORD unto the people that asked of him a king.

11 And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots.

12 And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots.

13 And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers.

14 And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants.

15 And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants.

16 And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work.

17 He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants.

18 And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not hear you in that day.

God told the Israelites that they would not want a King because not only would he take their sons and daughters but he would take 10% of everything they owned or produced.  And how much does our government take from use now?  35-45%, maybe more if you look into the cost of all the hidden taxes the government has.  God thought it was bad for the government – in this case a king – to take 10% and warned against it but we let our government take so much more than that, and we wonder why people are throwing tea into our rivers.  God thought wealth redistribution was wrong and told us so over 3000 years ago, yet we don’t listen.  Even if you aren’t religious or of some other religion it’s something to think about. As Thomas Paine once said “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

OK enough religion for the day.  Moving on…

I refuse to apologize for the actions of my ancestors nor feel guilty by them.  My ancestors have done nothing that others have not done, while the concept of original sin may sound nice in biblical theories, there is no such thing as original sin in the random chance of birth or genetics.  I refuse to feel guilt over something that I, not only did not do, but would not have done.  I am my own person, I am not a Crayola color.  For every sin thrown down at the feet of my forefathers yours as well, have been guilty.  Each man is born and each man will live, it is for him alone that he must carry his sins upon the world, as each man must do.  To condemn  a man and force him to carry the sins of another is the greatest travesty one could commit, for it destroys the highest gift that a man has been given, his individuality, it destroys the Self.  Original Sin is a joke, in the biblical accounts he gave the Tree of Knowledge and let man make his own choice, the choice was the  blissful ignorance of a common dog or free will, and he wanted you to pick free will, but you had to pay for it.  That was the bargain, you can have it but you must also be forced to carry the responsibility for it.  This responsibility rests within each man, you must carry your own burden, even the only  Son, God in the flesh did not die to lift responsibility from your shoulders, but in order that you may find redemption, it was a confession on the world stage, it was to say that you have been forgiven for your sins so that you could move on and sin no more, but you must still be responsible for your new sins, you must repent of your old sins and sin no longer.  But even if you take the idea of Original Sin, it is, and always will be inherent in all mankind not specific genetic lines.  I’m not trying to preach here, I am not a shepherd,  nor do I want the burden of such a man, I am just explaining the facts, or this aspect of one theology.  My point is it is your life and what matters is what you do with it, just as it is the other persons life and it is what they do with their own life that matters.  To carry the burdens and sins of another is slavery. I can carry the broken man home, but I cannot and will not carry his transgressions for him. wtf

OK, so maybe there was bit more religion in there, moving on.

Relationships are fun, I especially like the ones with an expiration date, it takes all the guess work out of when it will end, and they have a tendency to end on slightly better terms.  Starting a relationship with phrases like this “Well, we like each other, and have a good time but I’m moving out of the country in 5 months… so we can’t get too serious…” are the best pick up lines ever, OK it should never work but it does, I have no idea why, maybe people are just drawn to fatalism.  Granted you actually have to move out of the country in 5 months so don’t try it unless you are fully committed to the process.  I think I move to much, I should work on that…  Anyhoo, I guess there is something romantic about a relationship that can never last, stories about the summers love, stories where inevitably one of the lovers ends up dead.   I don’t even remember the last time I saw a Korean movie where one of the lovers didn’t end up dead, even in the comedies.  Japan is also quite good at this in their dramas, however their comedies don’t end with someone dead, unless it’s for comedic purposes.   Unlike Korean films that seem to always have some sort of fatalistic strain.  Maybe it’s the fact they have looked at the DMZ one too many times.  I don’t know.  Anyway, I think the beauty in a doomed romance, it is that people don’t have to think about what happens afterwards, it’s easier to have two lovers fall  for each other in the perfect concept of love and ones dies, rather than have to think about the next thirty years of their marriage and whatever happens there, boredom, children, PTA meetings and all.  Or maybe for good drama someone just has to die?   What do I know about love anyway, I know about hate, beer, large-caliber handguns and saltwater fish. Love, well, not my best subject.  To me all marriage seems to be is finding that one truly special person that you can spend the rest of your life with, it’s really just a nice way of saying she’s either pregnant or you don’t want to die alone and you have found the one person on the planet that wont eventually drive you to a murder suicide or kill you in your sleep.

There’s probably a reason I’m single I just don’t know what it is…

I was reading an article by Fred Siegel and I really liked this on paragraph, especially the end really says everything you need to know about progressive thought.

“The contributors to Civilization in the United States, some of whom were Harvard men soon to become self-imposed exiles in France, were driven by resentment. The so-called “lost generation,” explained Malcolm Cowley, was “extremely class conscious.” They went to Europe “to free themselves from organized stupidity, to win their deserved place in the hierarchy of intellect.” They felt that their status in America’s business culture was, given their obviously exceptional intelligence and extraordinary talent, grossly inadequate. Their simmering anger at what they saw as the mediocrity of democratic life, led them to pioneer the now commonplace stance of blaming society for their personal failings. Animated by a version of the aristocratic spirit, they found the leveling egalitarianism of the United States an insult to their sense of self-importance.”

More from P.J. O’Rourke:

“The second item in the liberal creed, after self-righteousness, is unaccountability. Liberals have invented whole college majors— psychology, sociology, women’s studies— to prove that nothing is anybody’s fault. No one is fond of taking responsibility for his actions, but consider how much you’d have to hate free will to come up with a political platform that advocates killing unborn babies but not convicted murderers. A callous pragmatist might favor abortion and capital punishment. A devout Christian would sanction neither. But it takes years of therapy to arrive at the liberal view.”

I once read an entire college textbook on Cultural Anthropology in one day, I still don’t know why, the entire thing was a political tract the  scientific textbook I thought it would be.  In order to “prove” a certain thing wasn’t abnormal they would find one culture, who amounted to no more than 100 people at most, and whose society lasted for no more than a century at the longest, in the whole history of humanity that practiced it.  See it’s not abnormal.  RIGHT…  I have often said, although maybe not in this blog, that Sociology is 90% bullshit, maybe it’s only 80% but that’s not the point, Cultural Anthropology is however 99.9999999% bullshit.  It’s not a science it’s a political philosophy pretending to be a science.  Look people, just because 5 freaks in a desert someplace 2000 years go worshiped hermaphrodites does not make it normal, understand?  It’s just five lunatics in a desert, that’s all.

Anyway I’m done so I will leave you a picture of a loving Palestinian mother and her son.


How to rape the populace.

Here’s how it went down; a bank tries to refuse the TARP money from the government so the government gives them an offer they can’t refuse, either take the TARP money or if you do not we will make your life miserable with the biggest audit that you have ever seen, this would guaranty to waste a ton of the banks money, so the banks takes the money, then several months latter the bank tries to return the money with interest to the treasury, but wait the government refuses to accept the money back.  Now why would the government not try to get the money back especially with the national debt getting so high that it has about the same amount of digits in it as pi?   Granted several smaller banks have been successful in returning the money however this is this a much larger bank, that received a lot more money, why does the government not want the money back?  It’s because it’s about control, as long as the bank still has the TARP funds the government has control and can force them to do what they want, the smaller banks have less strategic value so attempting to control them at this time does not have as much benefit as the control of the larger banks, and the government is big game hunting.  Once you have control over the larger banks you can force the smaller ones fall in line latter.

The working title of “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike”, it should have been called “How To Kill The Golden Goose”.  You want to know why companies suck up to the government, it’s because they want money, like everyone does, and the more control the government has, the more money is to be made from their favors, but once the company is controlled by the government it’s not going to let go, it has to much power at stake to do so.  The Strike was the strike of the honest men against the dishonest men, the men that chose to walk away rather than live under a bureaucratic slavery.  But these companies and men don’t strike, they just want to give back the money and regain their independence, their freedom.  But it’s not going to happen now is it?

Independence and Freedom is the bane of all governments, while ours was supposed to be  limited to those duties explicitly enumerated in the Constitution and created in order to allow the largest amount of personal and economic freedoms, it is increasingly obvious to anyone who has read the thing that the Government no longer thinks that the Constitution has any bearing over national law.  Control the financial institutions, the schools and the industrial base and you control the country, you can control the people, you control their money, their minds and their lively-hoods, they are your slaves.  The politicians need problems, that’s how they gain and keep control, they don’t care about the consequences of their action because they know they can always steal more of your money to “fix” the problems they created.  Nor do they car about the future, in 50 years most people in the government right now will be dead, so it does not matter to them that in 50 years people will still be paying for their mistakes.   The ones that are alive won’t have to worry about Social Security going bankrupt because they already voted themselves better pensions anyway, they will be taken care of, you won’t be!

Here’s one of the tricks; people in Community A want something let’s call it Project 3, but rather than pulling their resources  together they go to Senator Jones, now senator Jones is up for reelection so he naturally  promises that he will raise taxes on Community B to pay for it, once elected Senator Jones gets a bill passed giving Community A the funds for Project 5, now Community B is angry that their taxes have been raised and used for Project 5, something that not only do they not want but is something that does not help them in any way, so they figure they might as well get in on the game, so they go to Senator Smith who raises taxes on Community C to fund Project 6.  Now Community C not only has to pay into the General Fund for the government but they as well as Community B have to pay more than Community A so they are out for blood, or at least to get something they want, so the cycle continues.

Now another part of the game is the General Fund.  The General Fund is the total taxes the government collects and each Community wants a part of it, it doesn’t matter that what they want might not be constitutional they want it and the politicians are happy to give it to them because they want power and to be reelected, so they each try to take as much money out of the Fund as they can,  it doesn’t matter that each of these pet projects does nothing for 99% of the of the country other than take their money, because it keeps Community A voting for Senator Jones.  The honest man, Senator Williams  knows that none of this is constitutional and does not take out of the fund so his Community E gets nothing, yet still has to pay for the other Communities, so they go out and find Candidate Vargas who promises them everything they want and elect him to the Senate, this way now Senator Vargas can try to steel as much money as he can from the General Fund for Community E.  The honest man loses because when the game is rigged it’s the honest and law abiding that ends up with nothing but the bill, and a lot of questions.  you divide and conquer, play people off of one another, class warfare.

Around 50% of the population pays very little too no income taxes, while the top 10% pays 70% of all income taxes, and say they all vote, well is the bottom 50% don’t care about a tax increase on the top 10% because they don’t pay taxes but will get the added benefits form these tax increases while the top 10% don’t want the tax increases because it will not only not benefit them but hurt them.  Who wins?  The bottom 50% because they have more votes, plus even if they aren’t going to benefit directly from the tax increase it won’t hurt them since they don’t pay taxes, or when they do it’s minimal, it will only hurt the top 10%.  Now this is class warfare, the bottom 50% don’t care about the top 10% because they are the “Evil Rich”, it doesn’t matter that the top 10% pour millions of dollars every year into charity from their own pockets, the rich are evil and they “owe” it to the bottom 50%.  Since the bottom 50% is envious of the top 10% the Politicians use this in oder to maintain and increase their power.  Now the top 10% can get back in their own ways, they buy off politicians to give them benefits, subsidies or tax credits for their businesses, it makes sense if you pay 70% of all taxes you want to get something out of it don’ t you?  Once again the honest man loses.

What people refuse to do is go get their own money why pay for something out of your own pocket when you can get the government pay for it out of someone else’s, at the barrel of a gun, it’s it’s theft only you get the government to mug the guy rather than do it yourself, hell we have gotten so lazy and entitled we expect someone else to commit our crimes for us.  Another thing people fail to realize is that the economy, is not static, it isn’t only one sum and it never changes.  As P. J. O’Rourke said:

“Wealth is not a pizza where if I have too many slices, you have to eat the Domino’s box. Wealth is not zero-sum.”


“Your money does not cause my poverty. Refusal to believe this is at the bottom of most bad economic thinking.”

The thing is, in capitalism,  wealth is created, not looted or stolen such as in monarchism or political/economic systems such as communism, or socialism.  The idea is that I have something someone else wants so they come to me and give me a sum of money that I am willing to take to part with my goods or labor, by this process I can then go out and use this sum to purchase  the things I want.  What collectivism tells you is that they will give these things to you, because they are your right, and you won’t have to work for it, so what happens is a man with a gun (the government) finds the man with the skills or products and at the point of the gun takes it from him and than gives it to you.  But what of the man whose property has been taken?  Well it doesn’t matter since, he is the “evil rich”, or uncaring and selfish, it’s his own fault for being such and therefor does not deserve pity, only your contempt.  It’s the rapist, laughing at the raped, and telling her it was her own fault, while the government holds the victim down for him.  If a man does not have the right to take a woman by force why does a man have the right to take my property or life by force?  The truth is they do not, so they lie, whenever the words “For The Greater Good” can be heard you know evil is behind it.  Class Warfare has never done anything other than murder or enslave people and countries, but it’s how the politician gets your votes, and his control.  If you want to hate the people who have more than you do, go right ahead, but don’t get angry when they start to hate you too.  And asking a man you hate for forced handouts does not make you a better person, it makes you nothing more than a greedy self absorbed leach.

But you want to call me selfish?  I am called this because when forced to do so, I do not willingly give up the products of my labor for the benefit of others.  Am I uncaring?  Yes and no.  I do care about the plight of those less fortunate however my charity to others cannot be forced.  There is no compulsion in charity, it loses it’s meaning when received under the barrel of a gun.  But the government not only wants to force me to give, and you do too, but you want me to like it.  It’s the rapist, laughing at the raped, and telling her it was her own fault, while the government holds the victim down for him, and everyone gets angry at the poor girl for not having a good time.

Government, they want control, so they use you, they lie, and they steal, all in the name of Nobel platitudes, high ideals, “hope and change”, but it’s always the same, they use your jealousy and greed to gain control, all they need is to trow you a couple scraps from the asters table and you wag your tails like dogs,  this isn’t even slavery, the slave hated his master you love yours.  How does it feel to be worth less than a slave?  Not only do they enslave you but they want to to like it.  This my friend is the definition of evil.

When they came for the Bankers I remained silent, I was not a Banker….

Just in time for tax season.


Sadly the guys at The Peoples Cube didn’t realize that Comrade Obama thought this was a great idea and next year their little joke will become a reality.

Sooner or later the Black Maria’s are going to come pick me up for re-education.

How to use booze to explain our tax system.

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59

So, that’s what they decided to do.

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve.

‘Since you are all such good customers,’ he said, ‘I’m going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20.’

Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.

But what about the other six men – the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his ‘fair share?’

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

And so the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings.
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now paid $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 ( 22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

‘I only got a dollar out of the $20,’ declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man,’ but he got $10!’
‘Yeah, that’s right,’ exclaimed the fifth man. ‘I only saved a dollar, too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more than I!!’
‘That’s true!!’ shouted the seventh man. ‘Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!’
‘Wait a minute,’ yelled the first four men in unison. ‘We didn’t get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!!!’

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up. The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important.

They didn’t have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

NOTE: I do not know the original author of this it’s listed under several peoples names but is is supposed to be from an economics professor somewhere in America.  If I have stollen this from you sorry but it’s not like I’m making money off of this nor is anyone else because of my theft so lighten up…