Illegal Immigration, Arizona And A Bunch Of Hypocrisy

There has been a lot of BS lately about SB 1070, the new law in Arizona about illegal immigration and a lot of people are angry about it.  Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder yelled about it and called it racist even before they read the thing.  Yes the two most brilliant legal minds in the United States Obama and Eric Holder.  Eric Holder of course being the guy that couldn’t find anything illegal with The Black Panthers showing up to polling stations with clubs to intimidate voters who might not be voting for Obama and Obama whose main legal experience was when he worked for ACORN an organization that has been under so many indictments in the last year they make the Mob look like Boy Scouts.  Yes, these two great legal minds know – without even reading the law – they just know it is unconstitutional, racist and wrong.  I don’t know if anyone yelling about it has read it but it is sad when the President and the Attorney General of The United States both yell about a law they didn’t read (I can give Obama a pass since his teleprompter probably forgot to mention it but Holder doesn’t have that excuse).  People say it’s racist, how?  You check to see someone’s papers to see if they are in the country illegally and it’s suddenly Nazi Germany as some people did suggest (that sounds like a straw-man argument from me but sadly it’s not)?  Let me explain something to you, if you are in the United States you are by law required to have your papers (well it’s a card but whatever) showing you are in the country legally on you at all times if you are not a citizen, it’s federal law.  All Arizona is doing is helping enforce federal law, it is not their job to do it but we all know the federal government isn’t doing it like they are supposed to so what do you what?  It’s not racist, you are either here illegally or legally that’s it, it’s not like an illegal alien from Russia is going to get a pass while the one from Cameroon is not.  So shut up with the bullshit racism shit.

Even the president of Mexico decided to yell about the law.  Hello Pot I’m the mother fucking Kettle.   Mexico enforces their immigration laws why can’t we?  Wait, not only do they enforce their immigration laws but their police have a tendency for rape, theft and extortion if not outright murder towards any illegal immigrant they see.  He wants to bitch about a simple law in Arizona (that I doubt he read either) while what his own country does to illegal immigrant is regularly condemned by Human Rights groups across the world.  Fuck him, his country encourages illegal immigration into the US while at the same time not only strictly enforces its own much harsher illegal immigration laws but the law enforcement regularly abuses illegal aliens in every way it can.  Fuck you.   It’s not even the Pot Calling the Kettle black.  This is Stalin calling a Gandhi a mass murderer.  In America and in Arizona illegal aliens will be arrested and deported, in Mexico they will be robbed and raped by the police and if they are lucky enough not to be murdered or sold into sexual slavery (by the Mexican police) they will be deported after service jail time.  Fuck you Mexico and fuck your President.

OK, to put this all in perspective.  I live in Japan as I have said before.  I am not a Japanese citizen I live here as a legal immigrant on a work visa and am required to show this to the police if I am stopped by them so I must have it on me at all times.  Now I have yet to have to show this to the police because I have not been stopped by them or arrested because I don’t break the fucking law in the first place. And unlike Mexico if I did get stopped by the Japanese police I would not be raped, robbed and sold into sexual slavery if I was here illegally.  In Arizona they are not randomly stopping people and checking to see if they are legal, they are only checking people when they are stopped by the police for breaking the law.  Yes, it might only be a speeding ticket but they still broke the law.  Like I said I do not have to show my visa every time I see a cop, and in Arizona you will not either, you only have to do it is they have to stop you and investigate something, like you breaking the fucking law.  Does it hurt me to have to make sure I have my “papers” on me at all times?  No, no it doesn’t.  The only people this would hurt are people who don’t have them, the kind of person in a country illegally, the kind of person that is already breaking the law and then when they break another law they get caught.  OH NOES poor you!  No, really fuck you.  I don’t feel bad for you, I really don’t I had to do it legal and proper to live in Japan you should do it legal and proper to live in the US.  If you don’t want to do that I don’t care, fuck you have fun getting deported.

And on with more fun with the whole thing.  So morons in California (you know the state that invented stupidity and a complete lack of fiscal responsibility) specifically the Los Angeles City Council (a city that makes Kabul look like a nice place to live) want to boycott Arizona (well other people do too but Los Angeles thinks they’re cool so we will go with these morons).  So Gary Pierce, a Commissioner at the Arizona Corporation Commission sent them a nice little letter (signed by is other friends at the Commission) to the good folks on the Los Angeles City Council.  I posted it in its entirety, have fun reading it, it’s funny as hell.

“Dear Mayor Villaraigosa,

I was dismayed to learn that the Los Angeles City Council voted to boycott Arizona and Arizona-based companies — a vote you strongly supported — to show opposition to SB 1070 (Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act).

You explained your support of the boycott as follows: “While we recognize that as neighbors, we share resources and ties with the State of Arizona that may be difficult to sever, our goal is not to hurt the local economy of Los Angeles, but to impact the economy of Arizona.  Our intent is to use our dollars — or the withholding of our dollars — to send a message.” (emphasis added)

I received your message; please receive mine.  As a state-wide elected member of the Arizona Corporation Commission overseeing Arizona’s electric and water utilities, I too am keenly aware of the “resources and ties” we share with the City of Los Angeles. In fact, approximately twenty-five percent of the electricity consumed in Los Angeles is generated by power plants in Arizona.

If an economic boycott is truly what you desire, I will be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements so Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation. I am confident that Arizona’s utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands. If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona’s economy.

People of goodwill can disagree over the merits of SB 1070. A state-wide economic boycott of Arizona is not a message sent in goodwill.


Commissioner Gary Pierce”

Oh does it sound fun and considering that California is broke, on the verge of collapse and already has problems with electricity I don’t think they can afford to pull this shit.  Personally if I was Arizona I would do it no matter what the Angeles City Council does about this, fuck them they want to be a bunch of assholes let them fucking deal with the consequences of being a bunch of assholes even if they want to back out of their idiocy, when they realize the consequences of it.  They might want a fight when it sounds good for their reelection or to score political points but want to back down quietly when they realize their mistakes, no don’t let them, let them deal with it.  They wanted to say it they wanted to do it, let them have it.

I have more, well not much more but this was funny.  It’s some moron calling in to Michael Savage about the bill and they are just priceless.  And by that I I’m talking about really, really stupid.

Why yes she claimed her welfare checks are paid by the tax dollars of illegal aliens after saying Obama is the one who pays them.  I want to hope this woman never breeds but I just know she probably has 8 kids from 8 different fathers whose names she does not remember.

Anyway here is some more fun from Andrew Klavan on this mess:

H/T to Doctor Bulldog and Ronin for the videos.


I hate it here…

1 Comment

  1. The liberal hysteria over this has been pure bastardry and if it weren’t for the slimeball msm, they’d be rightly pilloried for it.

    Amongst all the wailing and whining from the leftist scumbags, not once did i hear anyone of the vermin calling for the illegals of arizona to move to their state. Basically the scum just want arizona to pay for the illegals and not themselves.

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