Orwell and the new world order.

Facts are irrelevant in history.  The only thing that matters is what you can convince the people to believe.  If you can convince the world the Tet Offensive was a victory for the Viet Kong then that will be the truth.  It will become the truth.  It will be the truth.  It doesn’t matter that the Tet Offensive practically wiped out the Viet Kong all facts that don’t fit your world view or political ideology can get flushed down the memory hole and you have won.  It doesn’t mater that the Crusades were a belated attempt to regain territory from the Moslem armies who had conquered them and drove out the original mostly Christian or Jewish inhabitants.  All that matters is what you can get people to believe.

Orwell was a prophet.  He just missed the year but his words should be a warning engraved on the minds of men for eternity.

Orwell spoke of the totalitarian systems of Communism and Nazism.  He agreed with neither while he did consider himself a English Socialist much of his writing can be used for an argument against much of Socialism and Progressive ideology.

Take this quote from Orwell on guns:


The people who call themselves “Progressives” don’t want you to know that their political ideology is Socialism.  That’s why they say Progressive rather then Socialist.  Orwell warned about how people twist language so politicians can get people to believe one thing but they really mean something else.  The Progressives just won’t tell you that’s what they really want is to disarm you so they use terms like “Gun Control”.  It sounds nice making laws against the use of arms however a criminal does not care about the law.  All you really have is laws that only affect law abiding peoples and not the criminal.  Yes Background checks are a good thing because it keeps known criminals from getting a gun at a legal store.  However the criminal will still try to get one on the black market and there is nothing we can really do about that.  What they really want to do is disarm the whole of the law abiding populace.  With arms even Orwell the man who claimed to be a Socialist knew that it was the duty of society to make sure that the people who he fought for had the ability to defend themselves from criminals and especially from the totalitarian dictatorships that he wrote of.

Orwell was a Prophet.  People misquote him and claim to know what he said but don’t.  Like Nitsche they will misquote him  for eternity.  They take a line or two and run with it without the lines that follow and makes the true point.

Case in point from Nitsche:

“God is dead.”

OK but what was the rest?

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”

Or this quote:

“What are these churches now if not the tombs and sepulchres of God?’

While he was chastising religion or more to the point those who only used the morals and teaching of religion when it was to their advantage, he was lamenting the lose of the religious morals in the idea of a world without the religious morals. That is why he wrote the second line “And we have killed him”. It was to the hypocrites that he spoke that.  He was lamenting the lose of morals and the hypocritical use of Gods teachings only when it was advantageous.  At the time he was also trying to come to terms with a world without the religious standard of morality and how to make a new morality without god but was just as moral so that we would not lose the good things that came from religion while being able to move past the necessity of God for our morality.  He needed the morality but was trying to find a way to have it without having to have if come from a god.  He might have been an Atheist but he understood the importance of morality of the Christian God and wanted to be able to justify himself and morality without the need for God.

But people take the “God is dead” statement and take it wrong.  He didn’t believe in the Christian God but he wanted to believe in the morality of the teachings and wanted to find a way to take both together.

It’s like Orwell.  He wanted to refute the time he was in.  Orwell spoke out against Totalitarianism and Monarchism.  He spoke of the working man and Socialism but it wasn’t what we think of now.  To him living in Europe he saw the difference between the working class and the aristocracy and he fought for the working class. But in America we don’t have an aristocracy or a real one anyway.  We have let some families fake like they are like the Kennedys, but thats only because some people let them and there is a difference.   Should we let them?  No but sadly we do.  However in America we never had the kind of class stratification you had in Europe.  In Europe the “Rich” where always going to be rich and the poor,  poor.  In America the poor could always make it rich all they had to do was work at it and it was going to happen just think of Andrew Carnegie a poor immigrant who turned himself into what at the time was the second richest man in history.  The man who would never give you a dollar but would build you a library so you could learn to do it yourself.  In America it could happen.  I say it could happen because it did.  You started work at 15 in some low paying crap job but at 40 your where a millionaire.  The American Dream was always possible. Orwell claimed to be a Socialist but often spoke and wrote like a Libertarian or a Classical Liberal.  The man wrote the book “Animal Farm” as a warning against his own ideology.  He was speaking to the Europe of his day but not to America.

Orwell understood that the people who could control language and what you could say could control the truth or at least control the truth of history that you believed.  It didn’t matter if it was true all that mattered is making you believe it was.

If Orwell was alive now he would have seen and yelled against the socialism that runs rampant in our society and how it works in today’s politics.  He would be a libertarian because he was the person who looked and watched the world and understood the times.  Now the socialism that seemed so nice at the beginning of the 20th century to him would look like the failure it is in the 21st.

Granted I can’t speak for a dead man but that is is my idea on how he would think today.  I would however give anything if I could talk to him now and see what he would really say about today’s world.
NOTE:  For anyone who noticed the similarities between the first paragraph of this article and a comment I made here I just want you to know that that I felt I needed to say more so I used that as the starting point.  I’ll probaly have more to say later after the Saki wears off…

Implications on the lack of proper missile defense systems

Don’t worry Obama is going to cut military funding for missile defense systems so have fun during your last 33 minutes.  I’m going to crack open a beer and laugh at the morons who though we could “have peace in our time”.

Yes missile defense does work and can work just because it might not always be 100% effective does not mean you shouldn’t have it.  Even if it is only 75% effective it would still be better then nothing.  Furthermore  as technology advances you can push that number closer and closer to 100%.  Think about this what would be the point in a country developing nuclear arms if they know that the chances that they would be effective is very slim.  They would not since it would be a waste of money.  It’s not like many of our friends around the world don’t also want this technology and want to help such as Poland or Japan.  We don’t need to cut funding we need to increase funding and along with allied nations need to do everything we can to put these missile shields in place as soon as possible.

H/T Doctor Bulldog and Ronin

Great quote from P.J. O’Rourke

“After the events of the 20th century–national socialism, international socialism, inter-species socialism from Earth First–anyone who is still on the left is obviously insane and not responsible for his or her actions.”

Some more good ones from his article.

“There’s a joke in Arkansas about a candidate hustling votes in the country. The candidate asks a farmer how many children he has.

“I’ve got six sons,” the farmer says.

“Are they all good little Democrats?” the candidate asks.

“Well,” the farmer says, “five of ’em are. But my oldest boy, he got to readin’  .  .  .  ”

“What will destroy our country and us is not the financial crisis but the fact that liberals think the free market is some kind of sect or cult, which conservatives have asked Americans to take on faith. That’s not what the free market is. The free market is just a measurement, a device to tell us what people are willing to pay for any given thing at any given moment. The free market is a bathroom scale. You may hate what you see when you step on the scale. “Jeeze, 230 pounds!” But you can’t pass a law making yourself weigh 185. Liberals think you can. And voters–all the voters, right up to the tippy-top corner office of Goldman Sachs–think so too.”

Eh who cares anyway time to open a beer and watch the world burn…

Teacher goes after 5th grader to score cheep political points for Obama

This is a clip from a Swedish documentary.

So this is how teachers act in the classroom?  Attacking a child because the kids parents supported McCain and by extension the child does and then lying about and misrepresenting a quote from McCain to score cheep political points against a 5th grader.  Classy isn’t it?

H/T Doctor Bulldog and Ronin

Some of my random thoughts on the election aftermath.


Obama hasn’t even been sworn in yet and already I’m sick of the hype.

OK, that was a lie I was sick of it a long time ago…

Here is one of the dumber things I heard today.  I asked someone to tell me one thing Obama has accomplished and they said “He got elected President”.  Am I the only person out there that is worried about the fact that the first thing Obama really accomplished in his life was getting elected President?

“I only voted for Obama because I thought McCain was going to have a heart attack and die and Palin would end up being President”.  Really So you voted for someone with no executive experience because you where worried there was a chance McCain would die and Palin someone with executive experience would become head of the executive branch of the government?

The best part is that at no time in any of the conversations did anyone mention anything that had to do with any of the candidates policy positions.  Yeah I said that right…

Well one person made a interesting comment.  “I think the only thing that anyone cared about was race, age and gender and that was it.”  Well I can’t say I can disagree much with him but yeah other then the hatred of Bush I don’t think there was much else.

Then I was at a store and heard this “Well McCain voted for Bushes policies 98% of the time.”  I have two problems with this the first is the real number people keep talking about is actually 95% of the time the second is that it’s the Legislative branch that makes laws so what you should really say is that Bush signed into law rather than vetoed 95% of the laws McCain voted for in congress.  The president cannot make laws he can only enforce them it’s the whole three different branches of government thing.   Plus they are in the same party if it was a Democrat in office don’t you think they sign most of the bills supported by their party?   I’ll give you a hint they do…

OK a black (well part black anyway) guy was elected President can we finally get off the bullshit race crap already?  Somehow I don’t think it’s going to happen but I can always have hope right?

I bet one thing though Obama would start crying if he gets treated half as bad as Bush has the last 8 years.  In fact I almost look forward to it, but I know it will not be the case with the Obamassiah. He is going to get coddled by the media like they have been doing until they realize who he really is.  Then they might still do it anyway since they might already know.

If Obama thinks this is going to be easy he is in for a rude awakening.  He can blame Bush for all of the countries faults for only so long as people either don’t realize things like the housing mess was mainly the Democrat’s fault and that Bush was trying to get congress to fix the problem as early as 200 and till people start to wonder why Obama hasn’t fixed anything.  You can only go so long blaming others for things and demagoguery till you actually have to accomplish something.  Since last time I checked other than writing whinny books about himself and getting elected to the Presidency  he’s really hasn’t done anything good luck with that.

I guess since Obama has been running for the Presidency since 2005 it might be his turn.  Just like the kid that has so sit on the bench at all the little league games all the time until the coach feels sorry enough for him and puts him in the game.

Maybe this will make the Republicans pull their heads out of their asses and get back to doing the things that made us vote for them in the first place.

Well anyway that’s all I got for now. So if you want more information and are an Obama fan, the Obamassiah himself or one of his cronies please go here. For every one else go here.

The election aftermath and Obama

When did The Onion start doing real reporting?

H/T Doctor Bulldog & Ronin

Voter Fraud And Intimidation, Oh How Fun

Well there have already been reports of voter fraud and voter intimidation coming in.

In Philadelphia two members of the Black Panthers stationed themselves outside a polling station one of them had a billy club in his hands.  While they where finally removed by the police it’s not a good sign.

From Deroy Murdock of NRO I got this little nugget:

“GOP observers are calling in reports of multiple voting. People brazenly are coming in two or three times to vote,” he said, the exhaustion clear in his voice. “We may have an observer in one of every five or six precinct buildings, and they can see only so much. People are coming in where there are multiple registrations for the same address. Someone might say, ‘I’m Troy Jones at 123 Main Street,’ and then he’ll vote. Next, he will come back and say, ‘I’m Troy Jones, Jr. at 123 Main Street,’ then cast another ballot. Later on, a Troy Jones, Sr. registered at the same address gets to vote. This is why ACORN’s multiple registrations are such a problem.”

And this quote:

“People without proper ID are being allowed to vote. They are supposed to provide something like a utility bill. People who are not even properly registered to vote are being told, ‘Yeah. Go ahead. That’s close enough.’”

I swear I’m going to flip if McCain wins and the Democrats try to bring up the stollen election BS again.

Then there was the calls to many of the registered Republicans in Lancaster PA telling them the polling place was moved (it wasn’t).

More things from the TheKansasCitian.

Pontiac, MI – Republican poll watchers illegally tossed from Pontiac, Michigan polling locations. Reports are coming in that legal action is being taken to reinstate the poll watchers. [10]

Highland Park, NC – In Highland Park, North Carolina Obama supporters are shouting at and harassing voters. Poll managers are refusing to contain them and voters attempts to complain to the county election board have been unsuccessful. [11]

Cambridge, MA – Cambridge, Massachusetts polls accidentally used 2004 registration lists. The state’s Secretary of State has issued an apology. [12]

Well I guess ACORN is doing their job aren’t they…

Election night fun and how to celebrate.

1.  Buy booze.  I’m going with beer but gin, saki or scotch is always good.

2.  Get snacks if your candidate is going to lose you might as well have some nachos and if he wins you can’t celebrate without nachos.

3.  Clean and load all of  your guns.  Some people out there are stupid and might want to riot.

4.  Remember it’s not the end of the world so try not to riot.

5.  Drink it helps the bad news and the good news go down better.

6.  In the event of a riot put a rioters head on a stake in you front yard to warn others not to come near your house.

7.  Any time 6 doesn’t work shoot people in the head.

8. Keep drinking you’ll need it…

9.  Watch Japanese game shows on TV it’s better then the BS on CNN and the punditry on almost every station.  Plus the women are more attractive.

10.  When voting always remember the Black Panthers outside the polling station are not your friends.

11.  If you start crying because your guy loses you need to get immediate mental help.  They are politicians not people never forget that.

12.  In the even of a zombie attack during the night treat all zombies like rioters.

13.  If you are a Republican poll worker in Philadelphia you will probably get thrown  out of the polling station at least once.  Just try to remember elections can only be stollen by Republicans pay no attention to the actions of ACORN or the fact that the dead vote 99% of the time for the Democrats.

14.  Remember the 2000 election crap and keep drinking it’s going to be worse.

15.  Voter intimidation only works if you are unarmed refer to number 3.

16.  The polls are notorious for being wrong, remember both Kerry and Gore where ahead in the polls. You have fun with that.

19.  Keep posting on your blog every 15 minutes like people really care about what you think.

18.  Life will go on after this… I think….


I can’t wait for Obama to be our new President!

Our Loving Leader Obama

Well it looks like Obama might be our new Glorious and Fatherly Leader of this beautiful and wonderful motherland of the United States of America People’s Republic of North America, and for this I am sincerely overjoyed for our new master (due to the fact that I am not now or have ever been a Kulak and would rather not be purged). I would like to just say that I am officially repudiating every political position Hatecrime I have ever written coerced into on this Free Speech Thoughtcrime. I swear that I was only doing this due to the extreme duress under the Bushitler regime and the International Zionist Conspiracy through their lapdog Cheney. Upon Obama’s coronation I will freely give up all of my arms that I was forced to get only because the Second Amendment was mandatory under the current President stollen election and false Government and not because I wanted them in any way (please stop hitting me! NO… OH GOD NO NOT THE RATS! I’ll give you a list of my friends fellow conspirators and be good this time I swear). Also I would like to say how happy I am at the impending destruction of this horrible oppressive imperialistic evil Capitalist system by the new and wonderful Dictatorship of the Proletariat – who I truly know loves and cares for us deeply – has our best interests at heart and will work through a series of foolproof Five Year Plans to make this country into the Utopian land filled with love and equality for all that we have for so long been denied by our hateful and imperialist masters.

I’m sorry to cut this short comrades but there seems to be one of those Black Marias parked under my window and I need to give myself up quietly and go to the Gulag Reeducation Camp Sorry Happy Public Good Work Camp and spare my family the same fate happiness as myself.

All Praise to Big Brother our Messiah the Dear loving and Fatherly Leader Barrack H. Obama, and Viva La Revolution!

Please don’t kill me

UPDATE: I originally published this on the 9th of July 2008 but rebublished it today since I thought the day before the election was a good time for it…

Obama want’s to sell out out military

Look this might all sound nice to the peace loving people of the world but it sounds really good to the people who hate us.  Why they want us to disarm and let let our military stagnate.  Peace comes through strength and superior firepower not though disarmament.  Yeah he can talk all he wants to about a global ban on nukes but do you really think North Korea cares about a global ban?  Do you really think a global ban is even possible?  Jimmy Carter negotiated a treaty with North Korea behind Clinton’s back and then the Clinton administration signed it and Kim Jong-il went back on the treaty before the ink was dry. Did Saddam Hussein ever care about how many UN resolutions passed against him?  Do you think Iran is going to suddenly change their tune and start being nice or do you think they are going to see a sucker they can play?

Sure Obama gut the military it’s a good idea really it is.  Running the military is one of the most important parts of the government and one of their main duties of the President other then conducting foreign policy think about that.  Yes it’s fine if you don’t agree with the war that is your right to hold those ideals but to gut the military is just asinine.

Unless god hates us all I think you might want to ask for his help right about now….