The world is a stupid place filled with stupid people. I might be one of them but I can at least admit when I’m wrong, change my opinion based off of new information, and acknowledge that I do not know everything. This doesn’t have much to do with with me but it does have a lot to do with stupid people who vote.


Looking at this years election all I can see in many cases is the idea that you are all being sold snake oil. Yeah, it always is in politics but there are certain candidates that it looks as if that is all they are. Some are just old school political scum like Hillary Clinton. She isn’t selling shit except the fact she thinks she deserves the nomination because she is just an egomaniac. She is a Clinton only the one with the least amount of charm. Chelsea who has very little going for he other than money and the breeding can at least smile and you don’t believe she is thinking about murdering puppies when she does. At the best of times Hillary looks like an evil alien wearing a people suit yelling love me. Enough with the Clintons, enough with the Bush’s, enough with that one guy that already dropped out.


All other candidates aside the two who I think are the definition or snake oil are Trump and Sanders. It might be for two different reasons since one might actually believe in his bullshit but that is all are, snake oil salesmen. They did tap into the problem with American politics though. The Absolut disillusionment and hatred the average person has for the political class. I get that. I’m there with you guys. I hate the DC elite shitwads just as much as you I just think you are all being taken for a ride. They are selling you the same bullshit populism and failed economic theories people have been pushing for centuries. Yeah some of the things they say might be good or even reasonable but that does not stop all the other bullshit. One is mostly nothing more than a demagogue and the other is just bribing idiots for votes off of an economic platform that anyone with sense should know could never be able to deliver a fraction of its promises.


To make is simple if you believe that Trumps believes half the shit he says and it isn’t just to get elected you are a fool and I find s strange that you will ignore his lies and then complain about Clinton’s lies. On the other side if you think that the crap that Sanders says is either constitutional or even affordable you are lying to yourself.


Now is you must know I’ll tell you of the two Trump would probably be the least worst of those two as president but as a person I like Sanders better. I don’t dislike Sanders I just think he is a fool. He is the guy in the middle of a pyramid scheme that actually believes the things he is selling. But honestly believing in something doesn’t make it correct and doesn’t mean you aren’t selling snake oil.


I have never liked Trump as a person. Yes I am biased against him in this regard. I can’t stand the guy and never have. I didn’t like him 20 years ago well before he ever tried to run for office before he even had his own annoying reality show. I think he is scum. He is the exact type of businessman that is the problem with money in politics. He was an always has been a corporatist. He used Eminent Domain to get the government to take other people homes and businesses so he could make a profit off of the land and then sent in his kickbacks to the politicians that helped him in the form of campaign contributions and such. If you don’t understand why I said corporatist look up the idea of crony capitalism. That is Donald Trump. Trump is the guy that uses politicians to get away with all of the horrible things we accuse big business of. Yeah I know when the system is rigged the loser is the one that doesn’t have his hand in the cookie jar but how about we hold fuckers to a higher standard for once. How about we stop electing people that use the government to make themselves and their friends rich. Trump is nothing more than this cancer metastasized and invigorated through populist rhetoric and bullshit. He is the other side of Politicians like Clinton, he is the businessman that is buying them. At least he in honest about it though, but that doesn’t make it right and that isn’t something to celebrate him for.


I understand though. People are angry and they are telling you what you want to hear. You are angry and they have tapped into it but they are the in many ways the cause of the problems that cause your misery. Trump has been selling away the present while Sanders is taking the selling of your future and trying to mortgage it for a 7th time.


And while Trump is trying to sell you on Corporatism Sanders if trying to bribe you with free shit no one can afford. Free college, free health care, free housing and free food. Are you sure that it is free? If it is free than the people supplying you with this health care, food, college and what not are working for your benefit without getting paid. What is a person called when they work for someone else’s benefit but does not get paid for their labor? To be honest they couldn’t even be called a slave. See a slave still costs the owner money. Yes they work for their master but the master still must feed, house and clothe them. You are asking to get the labor from these people but aren’t even willing to house and feed your own slaves. How sad are you that you can’t even take on the minimal responsibilities of a slave owner? Slavery is horrible and slave owners are fucking scum but you are less. You want the slave to have to work to feed himself and you. It’s a whole new level of exploitation. In Serfdom the lords was at least expected to protect his subjects. Is this what you are doing?


I’m going to go with a big fat no. No you are not doing anything and you are not contributing anything but you expect everything.


Sanders promises cannot be paid for. It doesn’t matter how much to tax the rich they cannot be payed. We can’t pay for the stupid shit we do now no matter how much we raise taxes. But since you are an idiot that thinks the world revolves around you you don’t really care as long as you get your’s right? We need to lower spending. Do you know what the Laffer Curve is? If you don’t you have no business talking about economics and taxation. Hell most people that do know what it is still shouldn’t. It was a general theory. It works but you need to remember that it isn’t a set amount just something you need to understand and deal with. If you have no idea what I just said you might as well consider yourself illiterate when it comes to economics. I’m a bloody accountant. I can’t say I’m a genius when it comes to economics but I do understand the idea of financial incentives. If you don’t you should. But what I really understand is debt. Debt is something you need to be very carful with. Temporary debt can be used to put yourself in a better situation but continuous debt is never good. It isn’t good if you are a business, if you are an individual and it isn’t good if you are a government. Think about this. If a company goes under their resources can then be bought and then used by other people that can do something with them and make a profit and help grow the economy. An Individual can move into a smaller home and try to build themselves back up. A government cannot collapse and sell off their assets to someone else that will build them into something else. A government collapse destroys a nation and the wealth of a nation. Granted sometimes a nation can come back but ask the Roman, Persian, Ottoman, and Austrian Empires where they are now? Ask yourself what are the consequences of the collapse of those empires?


We can’t afford either of these two idiots.





Orwell and the new world order.

Facts are irrelevant in history.  The only thing that matters is what you can convince the people to believe.  If you can convince the world the Tet Offensive was a victory for the Viet Kong then that will be the truth.  It will become the truth.  It will be the truth.  It doesn’t matter that the Tet Offensive practically wiped out the Viet Kong all facts that don’t fit your world view or political ideology can get flushed down the memory hole and you have won.  It doesn’t mater that the Crusades were a belated attempt to regain territory from the Moslem armies who had conquered them and drove out the original mostly Christian or Jewish inhabitants.  All that matters is what you can get people to believe.

Orwell was a prophet.  He just missed the year but his words should be a warning engraved on the minds of men for eternity.

Orwell spoke of the totalitarian systems of Communism and Nazism.  He agreed with neither while he did consider himself a English Socialist much of his writing can be used for an argument against much of Socialism and Progressive ideology.

Take this quote from Orwell on guns:


The people who call themselves “Progressives” don’t want you to know that their political ideology is Socialism.  That’s why they say Progressive rather then Socialist.  Orwell warned about how people twist language so politicians can get people to believe one thing but they really mean something else.  The Progressives just won’t tell you that’s what they really want is to disarm you so they use terms like “Gun Control”.  It sounds nice making laws against the use of arms however a criminal does not care about the law.  All you really have is laws that only affect law abiding peoples and not the criminal.  Yes Background checks are a good thing because it keeps known criminals from getting a gun at a legal store.  However the criminal will still try to get one on the black market and there is nothing we can really do about that.  What they really want to do is disarm the whole of the law abiding populace.  With arms even Orwell the man who claimed to be a Socialist knew that it was the duty of society to make sure that the people who he fought for had the ability to defend themselves from criminals and especially from the totalitarian dictatorships that he wrote of.

Orwell was a Prophet.  People misquote him and claim to know what he said but don’t.  Like Nitsche they will misquote him  for eternity.  They take a line or two and run with it without the lines that follow and makes the true point.

Case in point from Nitsche:

“God is dead.”

OK but what was the rest?

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”

Or this quote:

“What are these churches now if not the tombs and sepulchres of God?’

While he was chastising religion or more to the point those who only used the morals and teaching of religion when it was to their advantage, he was lamenting the lose of the religious morals in the idea of a world without the religious morals. That is why he wrote the second line “And we have killed him”. It was to the hypocrites that he spoke that.  He was lamenting the lose of morals and the hypocritical use of Gods teachings only when it was advantageous.  At the time he was also trying to come to terms with a world without the religious standard of morality and how to make a new morality without god but was just as moral so that we would not lose the good things that came from religion while being able to move past the necessity of God for our morality.  He needed the morality but was trying to find a way to have it without having to have if come from a god.  He might have been an Atheist but he understood the importance of morality of the Christian God and wanted to be able to justify himself and morality without the need for God.

But people take the “God is dead” statement and take it wrong.  He didn’t believe in the Christian God but he wanted to believe in the morality of the teachings and wanted to find a way to take both together.

It’s like Orwell.  He wanted to refute the time he was in.  Orwell spoke out against Totalitarianism and Monarchism.  He spoke of the working man and Socialism but it wasn’t what we think of now.  To him living in Europe he saw the difference between the working class and the aristocracy and he fought for the working class. But in America we don’t have an aristocracy or a real one anyway.  We have let some families fake like they are like the Kennedys, but thats only because some people let them and there is a difference.   Should we let them?  No but sadly we do.  However in America we never had the kind of class stratification you had in Europe.  In Europe the “Rich” where always going to be rich and the poor,  poor.  In America the poor could always make it rich all they had to do was work at it and it was going to happen just think of Andrew Carnegie a poor immigrant who turned himself into what at the time was the second richest man in history.  The man who would never give you a dollar but would build you a library so you could learn to do it yourself.  In America it could happen.  I say it could happen because it did.  You started work at 15 in some low paying crap job but at 40 your where a millionaire.  The American Dream was always possible. Orwell claimed to be a Socialist but often spoke and wrote like a Libertarian or a Classical Liberal.  The man wrote the book “Animal Farm” as a warning against his own ideology.  He was speaking to the Europe of his day but not to America.

Orwell understood that the people who could control language and what you could say could control the truth or at least control the truth of history that you believed.  It didn’t matter if it was true all that mattered is making you believe it was.

If Orwell was alive now he would have seen and yelled against the socialism that runs rampant in our society and how it works in today’s politics.  He would be a libertarian because he was the person who looked and watched the world and understood the times.  Now the socialism that seemed so nice at the beginning of the 20th century to him would look like the failure it is in the 21st.

Granted I can’t speak for a dead man but that is is my idea on how he would think today.  I would however give anything if I could talk to him now and see what he would really say about today’s world.
NOTE:  For anyone who noticed the similarities between the first paragraph of this article and a comment I made here I just want you to know that that I felt I needed to say more so I used that as the starting point.  I’ll probaly have more to say later after the Saki wears off…

Some of my random thoughts on the election aftermath.


Obama hasn’t even been sworn in yet and already I’m sick of the hype.

OK, that was a lie I was sick of it a long time ago…

Here is one of the dumber things I heard today.  I asked someone to tell me one thing Obama has accomplished and they said “He got elected President”.  Am I the only person out there that is worried about the fact that the first thing Obama really accomplished in his life was getting elected President?

“I only voted for Obama because I thought McCain was going to have a heart attack and die and Palin would end up being President”.  Really So you voted for someone with no executive experience because you where worried there was a chance McCain would die and Palin someone with executive experience would become head of the executive branch of the government?

The best part is that at no time in any of the conversations did anyone mention anything that had to do with any of the candidates policy positions.  Yeah I said that right…

Well one person made a interesting comment.  “I think the only thing that anyone cared about was race, age and gender and that was it.”  Well I can’t say I can disagree much with him but yeah other then the hatred of Bush I don’t think there was much else.

Then I was at a store and heard this “Well McCain voted for Bushes policies 98% of the time.”  I have two problems with this the first is the real number people keep talking about is actually 95% of the time the second is that it’s the Legislative branch that makes laws so what you should really say is that Bush signed into law rather than vetoed 95% of the laws McCain voted for in congress.  The president cannot make laws he can only enforce them it’s the whole three different branches of government thing.   Plus they are in the same party if it was a Democrat in office don’t you think they sign most of the bills supported by their party?   I’ll give you a hint they do…

OK a black (well part black anyway) guy was elected President can we finally get off the bullshit race crap already?  Somehow I don’t think it’s going to happen but I can always have hope right?

I bet one thing though Obama would start crying if he gets treated half as bad as Bush has the last 8 years.  In fact I almost look forward to it, but I know it will not be the case with the Obamassiah. He is going to get coddled by the media like they have been doing until they realize who he really is.  Then they might still do it anyway since they might already know.

If Obama thinks this is going to be easy he is in for a rude awakening.  He can blame Bush for all of the countries faults for only so long as people either don’t realize things like the housing mess was mainly the Democrat’s fault and that Bush was trying to get congress to fix the problem as early as 200 and till people start to wonder why Obama hasn’t fixed anything.  You can only go so long blaming others for things and demagoguery till you actually have to accomplish something.  Since last time I checked other than writing whinny books about himself and getting elected to the Presidency  he’s really hasn’t done anything good luck with that.

I guess since Obama has been running for the Presidency since 2005 it might be his turn.  Just like the kid that has so sit on the bench at all the little league games all the time until the coach feels sorry enough for him and puts him in the game.

Maybe this will make the Republicans pull their heads out of their asses and get back to doing the things that made us vote for them in the first place.

Well anyway that’s all I got for now. So if you want more information and are an Obama fan, the Obamassiah himself or one of his cronies please go here. For every one else go here.

The election aftermath and Obama

When did The Onion start doing real reporting?

H/T Doctor Bulldog & Ronin

Obama’s “Uncle Frank” was a drug dealing communist pedophile who knew?

Jerome R. Corsi at WorldNetDaily has a nice little article explaining all the happiness about one of Obama’s mentors.

Does Obama have any friends, mentors or coworkers that can’t embarrass him?  Really this guy has the worst judgment when it comes to friends.   By this point the pattern should be very obvious on the kind of people Obama hangs out to anyone who is really paying attention.  Yeah vote for Obama what could it hurt…

H/T Dr. Bulldog

Now I finally know how we all got set up.

“The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.”

Read the whole thing it’s good information on Obama and it is a lot of fun.

H/T Velvet Hammer

Michelle Obama on Barak running for President

This was in late 2004 and since the guy has been running for President since 2006 how much has he done since then?

H/T Velvet Hammer

Former Associate Deputy Director of the FBI claims Obama couldn’t get a security clearance or a job at the FBI

Here are some gold nuggets from the Family Security Matters interview with Buck Revell, the former Associate Deputy Director of the FBI who was in charge of all FBI operations until 1994.

FSM: It has been said that Sen. Obama would not be able to get a security clearance now if he applied for one because of the many relationships he has had in the past, and now, with people like Khalid al-Mansour and Bill Ayers. Is that true?

BR: Well, of course, all I can do to render my opinion is to the time I served in government, and I retired after 35 years in 1994. But at one time I was the Assistant Director in charge of the administrative division of the FBI, which as part of its duties was hiring and clearing personnel, and certainly we would not have hired during my tenure a person that had the background, associates and relationships that Obama has had over his adult life.

Now, that’s not saying that he has engaged in any illegal or improper activity, but when you associate with people of the likes of Bill Ayers, who is not only a known radical but an unrepentant radical, and teaches a radical socialism – some would say communist – approach to government, and espouses the use of violence if “necessary,” and he determines when it’s necessary, this is not the kind of person that an association with – and an association that was both voluntary and lengthy – would give you the necessary satisfaction that the applicant himself was not involved to some degree or at least acknowledged and agreed with parts of that person’s social or political agenda…

By what has been reported and to some degree acknowledged, would in my view, have disqualified him for a position in the FBI based upon the fact that he wouldn’t have qualified for a security clearance.

FSM: It sounds to me that the FBI operates less on the idea of “guilt by association” and more on the idea of “a man is known by the company he keeps.”

BR: It’s not guilt by association, but it’s essentially if you associate with people on a continuing basis who have posed a threat to our nation by either advocating anarchy and/or an overthrow of the government or who are racist and advocate the potential of racial conflict or who are engaged in criminal activities, then you have not shown good judgment. You have not shown that you are the kind of person who can differentiate between those who are appropriate to associate with and those who are not. So on the basis of the judgment issue, and then of course, if you found any specific activity, you’d judge that as well. But just the judgment in continuing to associate with people that he knew were engaging in racist and radical, violence-prone socialist activities would be sufficient to disqualify him from consideration for the top secret clearance and the FBI position…

FSM: Considering this situation we find ourselves in today, do you think presidential candidates should be vetted more before they are allowed even to run for their party’s nomination?

BR: Well that’s very difficult to say how you would do that – no elected official – senator or congressman or the vice president or president – goes through a security clearance process. The very election process itself is considered vetting. Now there have been many members of congress that we would not provide information to. Even though they are entitled to a security clearance doesn’t mean that agencies that have discretion would trust them, and we knew that there were some that we could not trust. With the president and the vice president you really have no choice but to provide the information unless and until you determine that it’s being abused and then you have to take the action of going to the attorney general, and if the attorney general won’t act, you go to the oversight committees of the Congress to explain that there have been inappropriate actions taken on highly sensitive and classified information…”

Yes Obama wants to be be president and yet he wouldn’t be eligible for even a low level security clearance.  Granted the President doesn’t need a clearance but what does it say about the man who wants to be President if the Federal Government doesn’t think he can be trusted with even a low level clearance.

There is more to the interview and I recommend you read the whole thing.

H/T to  PA Pundits for this one.

I hate it here…

Socialist is the new N-word and I’m not making this up!

A  columnist Lewis Diuguid with the Kansas City Star has claimed that McCain and Palin are being racist by calling Obama a socialist.  Yes I said Kansas City Star and not The Onion who by the way would have at least made this funny.

So wait calling someone a socialist is now a “Code Word” for black?  Wait so if I call someone a socialist it has nothing to do with Marxism it’s about race?   I hate to tell you Mr. Diuguid socialism is a political system/ideology not a race you twit.  Or you are saying is that all black people are socialists and since all black people are socialist it is therefor racist to use the term? Seriously though how ignorant do you have to be to think up this crap?  Code Words… Come the fuck on already we know you just make these “Code Words” up at the spur of the moment so you can call people racist to score cheep political points!  I guess it all comes down to telling a big lie enough times till people start to believe it.

So since I think Obama’s political platform is similar to Socialist and Marxist  theory I guess that make me a racist rather than someone who paid attention in a basic Political Science class in college?  You don’t even need to go to college since a junior high or high school Civics or Social Studies class would do.  You can agree or disagree with me on my opinion of Obama’s political views but calling me a racist is just moronic.  How about this why don’t we stop calling everyone racists every time people have a disagreement that way people might actually give a crap about real racism not this covert code word bullshit you make up all the time.  And if these random “Code Words” are the only thing left about race to complain about in this country I say we have done a good job of getting rid of racism now haven’t we?

Lastly Mr. Diuguid at what point in your life did you commit mental suicide, how did you do it and what are the warning signs so I can make sure to get people help if I see them?

I seriously hate it here…

For a fun commentary on this go to The Nose on Your Face.

Now it’s 1984 Knock-knock at your front door…

Dr. Bulldog over at Doctor Bulldog and Ronin have and interesting post on the possibility of a federal firearms database the Obama camp is looking into if they are elected.

Yes there are ways for the feds to find out every single person in America that has guns but lets face it I don’t trust the government with their own secrets since the New York Times seems to have no problem with getting those.  So why would I trust the government with a list of legal gun owners when segments of the government do not want us to have our Second Amendment Rights?  I don’t.  I cant wait to say hello to The Ministry of Love.

Obama doesn’t want us to have guns.  He has said that much and we all know this or at least the people who have been paying attention anyway.  Yeah he said he did support the Second Amendment only after running for President knowing that if he admitted the truth he would never be able to be elected.  And now he wants a list of all of us little people who don’t agree with him.  I feel really good about this don’t you guys?

The man sat on a board that doled out at least 2.7 million dollars to organizations that what to ban all firearms.  For more on that Velvet Hammer has a good post.

“That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer’s cottage
is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” – George Orwell

Sorry George I don’t think it’s going very well…