Saturday night ranting and the platypus

Every day I get more depressed or angry about the world. Well Maybe every other day since I don’t always pay attention. I do however thank God or whatever diety that might not hate me for the fact I still have the Second Amendment, there is some comfort in knowing I can always save the last bullet for myself. I named her Kyōko. Well the world is going to hell I think… maybe…um… OK I am kinda sure that it might sort of be going to the hell or something. I know every generation says this and sometimes they are more right then others. Think about the poor Roman looking at his country in 375 AD saying “This country is going to shit and we are about to get fucked hard-core” and you know what he was right. Civilization as they knew it ended shortly afterwards. I sometimes feal like a young Han looking at the Mongolian hordes both knowing that this is going to be one big suckfest. Empires and nations fall in two ways from within and from without. The largest and most powerful from both. A weakening of the nations collective will leading to a suicidal tendency to destroy themselves leaving themselves open to either a revolution that can be fatal or for others to come in and destroy them.

Let our cancer rot us from the inside while we let your cancer rot us from without. The siren song for national suicide, we have a death grip on our own throats while we welcome the inevitable knife from our enemies. Every one say hi to the knife kids and wait for the twist.

War. War is never the answer except when it is the answer. War is a necessity at times. That’s called life. If you think anything was going to stop the Nazi’s except guns, tanks, blood and a sky filled with B-29’s your cognitive abilities are suspect to say the least. I’ll go out on a limb here and say that you are either incredibly stupid or insane. War isn’t fun it’s not supposed to be that’s why reasonable people try not to have them. The thing is that reasonable people also know that sometimes war is the best option if not the only rational one. Pacifist can only survive because other people die to keep them alive. It’s not a higher moral ground and in some cases it’s the low road. Letting other people fight for your safety while you sit of your little soap box decrying the actions of the people who’s blood is the price of you life. In a just war it’s the pacifist that is immoral. That is not to say that the people that don’t fight are immoral, the doctor or the priest that tends to the sick, the wounded, the poor and the weak is not immoral for not fighting the are contributing in their own way. It’s the bastards that mock the sacrifice of others while expecting if not demanding the benefits of their sacrifice.

The one thing I want to know is this in movies there are always speeches where a commander asks his crew to step forward if they want to continue to fight until death and leave if they don’t want to do it. Well everyone always does step forward?. Only in real life how many people step forward not because they are ready or willing but because they don’t want to be “the guy” that didn’t? Is it just peer pressure to get yourself killed or is it that no matter what your misgivings might be you just can’t let your team down? I’ll take the second since there is honor in that. In truth though how many of us would step forward? The truth is we are all going to die at some point might as well make it mean something good I guess.

The French once build up a great fortification called the Maginot Line, this they thought would keep out the Germans. It didn’t quite work out that way since the Germans did the same thing they did the last time they attacked France by invading through Belgium. Someone apparently forgot to pay attention to that thing called “history”.

Douglas MacArthur was an arrogant bastard who could rule with and Iron fist at times and would refuse to listen to people when he thought he was right. At times he would take matters in his own hands and disregard the orders of his superiors. He was also man enough to admit when he was wrong or made a mistake and would try to correct it. Remember though he destroyed himself in the end with his own arrogance or maybe just his own miscalculation. During the Korean war he expected that he Chinese would not cross the Yalu river and brought the US forces a bit close expecting that the Chinese would not bother to get involved in the war. They did and that was his downfall. No matter what anyone says your heros are still human if you forget that you’re fucked.

What do we have for leaders now. Are they all just egotism and personality cults without the accountability like a modern Emperor Hirohito for the new world order? Everything for their own glory and their faults washed away without the slightest concept of some humility or even humanity. Do we want to be ruled by Big Brother smiling down on us from his lofty perch all his faults are lies or washed down the Memory Holes. Is this what we want for our leaders a religious cult on a politician?

Many people before me and many after will look back to some idealistic glory days claiming that they have faded. Truth or not it doesn’t always matter. Sometimes we are wrong and it is getting better even if we can’t see it now or just aren’t looking. But sometimes we see a crumbling world and it’s the truth it’s the world as it is and not of our imagination. What do I know I’m a 2 bit digital philosopher jacking my thoughts onto the interweb like it matters. Just another pile of road kill on the information superhighway just like so many others. This crap will be archived and generations from now some kid will read this and still not care.

We say that we are fighting the system but are we really? Probably not we are “The System”, it’s just that last shred of our warped sense of dignity the mental masturbation of our own pointless egos that we think that our words might actually matter. What do we hope for? Utopia? I don’t because I know what the word means. Not the definition in false concept of hope that you have saddled it with, but the true meaning of the word. Nothing or nowhere. A place that can never exist in this world. It’s always darkest before the dawn but it’s the light of the new day that shows you in brilliant and vivid colors the horrors of the world. If that causes you to falter or despair have fun with that, go listen to an emo band and cut yourself, chicken out and suck up to your executioner while demanding for someone to save you. I won’t. I have no reason or motivation to try and save someone that won’t even fight for air while drowning. I don’t need hope. I don’t need to lie to myself. I could put my faith into the stuffed platypus sitting on my desktop and it would be as meaningful as your silly little concept of hope. Better even for he is a cute funny little stuffed toy. What do you have word games and naive ignorance? I have Sargent Fluffelpuss.

A thief can be honest, he knows what he is doing he just doesn’t care. He wants what you have but knows he doesn’t want to work for it so he takes it. A dishonest thief steals your stuff and gives you bullshit platitudes on why he must take it, just like a politician. The first knows he is wrong the second tries to justify his actions to make them seem right. At times he is even lying to himself, since he wants to believe his own corruption is moral and just. The second is the worst creature on earth. It’s the love of a rapist.

A zoo once had a tiger that had been hurt in the wild. In order to make sure that it could be properly released back into the jungle after it had properly healed the zoo would feed it live deer so that it would remember how and regain it’s ability to hunt and not become mildly domesticated. In doing this the zoo acquired the anger from segments of the local populace over the poor little deer that had to be killed by the tiger. These people got together and forced the zoo to stop feeding the tiger live game because they felt that this was wrong. Because of this the tiger will spend the rest of it’s life in a cage. The tiger is still a carnivore it’s food being the flesh of other animals so nothing was saved the fate of death for it’s meal. It lives it’s a life in a cage never to see the jungle again because some people’s bleeding hearts didn’t want to accept the truth of this world. Nature has laws not feelings and you will destroy more then it ever could when you go against it.

I am a Nihilist. Well occasionally because sometimes it’s fun to be stupid and angry. I hate Nihilism. As if the idea that turning back the clock to zero can really somehow fix everything. Funny huh? We don’t know how to fix or the will to fix the problems in our lives and the world so we figure we might as well just burn it all down. I have many things in life I regret either doing or not doing but I can’t regret my life. Everything I wish I had not done or wish I had could possibly have changed my life in ways that I might not even recognize myself. It is easy to say that had I been able to start over knowing what I know now I could have made better choices and even a better life, but that is not even true. Even with what you know now the emotions of a time would still there and can force out any concept or rational thought and you might still go down the same path or make it worse. It’s pointless to worry about the past to the point that it destroys your future. Atone for your sins and move on. Zero is nothing. Zero is Utopia. It is pointless to strive for Zero.

This my friends is the worlds worst suicide note. I guess I should make it more tediously melodramatic like goth poetry, political commentary or an emo song. Something that makes the audience want to kill themselves just to make the hurting stop. Nothing says greatness like making other people kill themselves in the hope of never having to hear your crap again. If you don’t believe me how do you think Nirvana got famous? I’ll give you a hint it wasn’t musical talent.

I’m joking this isn’t a suicide note it’s just more letters to a dying dream, my eulogy for the world, my….


Sorry I spilled beer on the carpet…

Crap I ran out of paper towels…

Sorry back to the point what I guess what I am really trying to say is remember that death is final unless we are talking about the little death since we are usually good after 20 minutes and a sandwich. Or was this on the necessity of kicking a hippies ass?

Fucking paper towels never here when I need you.

looks like the cold war is heating up again.

Good news everybody! I think I finally can prove the fact I am not really just a half insane paranoid. OK I probably am both of those thing, but I think I can say that all the times I said that half the world either hadn’t noticed or doesn’t want to admit that the “Cold War” is over – and I am not even talking about your college professors this time – I might be right.

Yeah we have finally got back to the good old days where Russia is a belligerent totalitarian country bent on domination and subjugation of their neighbors, if not everyone else. So here is how I see it South Ossetia is a part of the country of Georgia (not the crappy piece of shit state of Georgia). So they Declare independence and Russia gives them Russian citizenship even though they aren’t a part of Russia. That doesn’t sound right does it? Sounds like Russia is using a local separatist movement to take over part of a country they once enslaved while known as the Soviet Union. You know the U.S.S.R. the country that gives all your college professors and Obammers’ friends hard-ons, that U.S.S.R.? Anyhoo since Russia is now a free and fun loving country – unless you are a journalist that writes something the government doesn’t like and who’s leadership is made up of ex KGB agents – there isn’t anything to worry about, right? A country that was once a world power but is nothing more then a shell of their former selves who would have no reason to try to reclaim their old place in the world, right?

Let me see, Russia doesn’t like countries they used to control hosting U.S. missile shields or joining NATO, or having opinions they didn’t tell them to have because they think it is for use against them not say the Iranians you know the whack jobs from Persia that keep threatening to “wipe countries off the map” while pumping money into nuclear and military research weapons and terrorist organizations? No it’s against Russia, no why would it be against them unless they are trying to start attacking their neighboring countries? Well up until last week I didn’t think they would, but now I’m not so sure….

Yes Russia the guys who have 30% of their government still controlled by the communist party and about 60% controlled by people who used to be a part of the party and or the KGB. Interestingly enough I think the mob also controls about 50-70% of the country as well (yes it does add up to more the 100% if you are stupid and don’t know that the other 30 and 60 are parts of the last number).

Yeah I think this is going to be bad…

The situation between South Ossetia and Georgia need international mediation, what it doesn’t need is for another country to declare people from another country their own citizens (think Hitler and Czechoslovakia) then rolling in a column of tanks. Wow history really does repeat itself! Look Georgia could have handled the situation better however it’s kind of hard to blame them when you have a large neighboring country helping to prop up a local separatist movement in your country while being a general belligerent to any country that has a boarder any place close to them. That’s kind of how wars start and you wouldn’t want that to happen, right?

Look I don’t want the situation to escalate but I do have to support Georgia on this one, hell if all the old Soviet bloc countries got together and nuked Moscow for the over a half a century of oppression they got from Russia I would have a hard time disagreeing with it. So lets just say I might not be an unbiased person in this debate. Russia still thinks all their old slave holdings have to listen to them and agree to anything they say. I think parts of the Russian government really misses the Cold War and wants to bring it back so it looks like their country still matters. Sorry Russia but other then the oil wealth you really don’t. How about this for some levity. Is it OK for Russia to do what they do in Chechnya – a part of Russia so they claim – that has a large separatist/independence movement they might not want to get angry at what Georgia is doing in South Ossetia.

Wait last time oil prices where really high and Russia was rolling in the oil money what did they do? Oh I remember they invaded Afghanistan, that’s what they did. So if history is any guide in 15 years South Ossetia will be an oppressive poverty stricken failed state run by stone age religious whack jobs and opium growing warlords. But what would I know I still think the nightly news and the History Channel are subsidiaries of Comedy Central ever since the day I started laughing out of some sort of strange form of Stockholm Syndrome. I am afraid that if I stop laughing at the world I might find out that the planet isn’t one giant practical joke by a devious diety with a sick sense of humor, like your old fraternity brother that used to put plastic wrap over the toilet and leave dead hookers under your bed. Don’t judge me we all have our delusional lies we tell ourselves so we don’t cry ourselves to sleep every night while dreaming of the sweet release of an eternity in a cold and shallow grave. This delusion is mine so piss off ya tossers!

OK back to the war at hand, yes I know the world is filled with them but if you think really hard you might be able to figure out the one we are talking about here. What is my point? My point is that just because your little hero Stalin was born in Georgia does not mean you need try and get it back. Stalin was a raging douche on the Hitlerian scale so why don’t you knock the crap off and stop trying to bring back the Iron Curtain the thing was full of rust anyway.

It’s not all bad news my copy of Red Dawn is finally going to relevant again.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn 11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008

Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag

Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag

Yes it was a sad day.  The man who wrote “The Gulag Archipelago” has passed on.  I loved that book as much as one can “love” or “enjoy” a book written about the depths of human misery.  He found a way to write some of the most beautiful prose, poetry almost to the human depravity and cruelty of Communism.   It was so filled with horror that only the soulless man could read it and not shed a tear.  He wrote about life under the Soviet system and the brutality of life in the Gulags.  If you have not read the book I strongly recommend it, especially for anyone who doesn’t fully understand the insanity of Marxism.  People laughed at Reagan when he called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire” read it and you will know he was right.

Some people stood up and spoke the truth while others cowered in fear, and they paid a heavy price for such words.  We say “Never Again” about one to many things yet watch as they happen still and do nothing.  Solzhenitsyn spoke out against a system people still try to glorify and create.  A system that is still with us today while we pay it no mind and go on with our lives.  The Gulags are still alive and running in this world while we are still just sleeping.

I wish him all the best in the next life, and that his truth will never be forgotten in this one.

Update to the D.C. Gun Ban

In an update on the Heller case and the D.C. gun ban it would seem that the new City council resolution on handguns is still a load of B.S. Here is a choice quote from the news:

“The emergency legislation will allow handguns to be kept in the home if they are used only for self-defense and carry fewer than 12 rounds of ammunition.

Handguns, as well as other legal firearms such as rifles and shotguns, also must be kept unloaded and disassembled, or equipped with trigger locks — unless there is a “reasonably perceived threat of immediate harm” in the home.”

Um OK one thing is that the Supreme Court Ruling said you have the right to self defense period that’s it. No questions asked. So let me ask you this so if your gun is locked up and not usable and you think you have a “reasonably perceived threat of immediate harm” are you going to have time to make the firearm usable for defense before you become a victim? I don’t think so! These people will try anything to keep you from your Constitutional rights. OK lets go with the “reasonably perceived threat of immediate harm” Standard, it’s Washington D.C. one of the most lawless crime ridden and violent places in America in and outside of congress. I would say just walking into D.C. justifies a “reasonably perceived threat of immediate harm”.

Here’s another good one:

The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision June 26 that affirmed the right to have guns for self-defense “raised more questions than it’s probably answered,” Helmke said. “They haven’t explained where you draw the line.”

Yes they did! I read the whole thing they did explain it. Criminal or Legally insane no gun. Not a criminal or legally insane Gun. It’s that simple. You are either willfully ignorant or a lier.

These people are trying to do everything they can to trash and subvert the constitution. Look I understand background checks and safety courses and I do think they are a good thing, and I always make sure that I teach people proper gun handling and safety before I let them shoot mine when we go out target shooting. I know for a fact I have enough training to properly teach this subject that is why I don’t expect my friends to have taken course before they go out shooting with me because I will give them the training before they even touch a bullet let alone the guns.

This isn’t about safety. I repeat, this isn’t about safety this is people still trying to persist with unconstitutional laws to take away your rights no matter what. The American public has been so complacent for so long about the destruction of their rights and of the responsibilities of the government outlined in the Constitution for so long that is just sad.

Wake the hell up people!!!

Stories from Darfur refugees.



This is Darfur.  This is what is going on and will continue while the U.N. does mostly nothing and the Nations in Africa barely even care.  Although  International Criminal Court filed genocide charges Monday against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir we will see what is going to happen.  I think it is to little to late.

This is Sudan where Slavery while not technically legal is still happening on a large scale while the government does nothing and does not care.  This is Sudan where the government arms friendly militia groups to slaughter and rape.  We sat around and didn’t do anything while Rwanda and Cambodia burned what are we doing now?

The world has said never again one to many times without doing anything but paying lip service to crimes against humanity.

H/T Doctor Bulldog

it’s three in the morning and I’m all angry like.

Is it a “civil war” or not? Can it really be a true civil war when it is nothing but a mix of, terrorist, ideologies, thugs, warlords, foreign mercenaries, and power hungry assholes killing each other along with the government troops just to see who can come out on top to get the most control? Maybe they can get a real civil war when they get past that one? I don’t know.

What do you say to the poor bastards that have to watch this? How are they supposed to react? You tell them that they are there to fight for stability and to help the people but they can’t tell who the people are from the thugs who hid amongst them. It was the same in Vietnam. They where told they where there to help but not given the tools to do it. Add that with the fact that they are trained to fight opposing armies not cells of revolutionaries and asshole thugs with no uniforms just a cause, or some inane religious system. What can we ask from them, what do we tell them? In Vietnam the White House chose the bombing target for politics while the commanders on the ground where told to shut the fuck up and win with there hands tied behind their backs. Give an 18 year old kid a gun and then tell him to do something while making damn sure that you do everything possible to make sure he can’t do it. The military term for this is “setting someone up for failure”, this is the worst thing you could ever do to a man. To a politician it’s called “Standard Operating Procedure”, or “trying to get reelected”. You Bastards!

You send men to peace keeping mission then tell them they can’t intervene and stop the conflict. “your presence there should be enough and you can’t engage” they are told. What does this do to the Mind of the 18 year old kid that had to watch the slaughter in Rwanda while the U.N. told him he could not engage to stop it? In the Balkans the gave men one bullet then told them they had to ask for permission before they could use it. Why did they bother to even give him that? Was that one bullet for his own head so the end could come faster? How does the commander on the ground explain this to his me without tears in his eyes? He can’t. How can he explain this to his troops to satisfy and console them? They look to him for guidance but his hands are tied by the higher ups. That excuse doesn’t work always work and they all know it. He lies to his men because he has to and his men know it and know why. This is the bullshit of the new era.

I don’t say this to sue for peace or to demonize war. There is no more glory in war then there is in pacifism. They both have there place and time when one or the other is a moronic idea. I’m just venting. If you don’t like it either read something else or come to may house late at night unannounced, but please when you do please try not to bleed on my carpet from the gaping hole I will put through your skull.

There are more people in the military that care more about peace then any protester in Berkeley. They also shower on a daily and not yearly basis. The Protesters are safe either way it doesn’t really effect them, mommy and daddy are paying a lot of money so they can skip class and be an asshole. It is the soldier and sailor that pays the price in war, but they do their duty for the hope of peace. That while they might suffer the rest can live out their lives in peace. You all better hope that one day those kids do tell you all to fuck off and leave you at the mercy of the world because I know a lot of them want to. Sometimes war is a necessity. It’s the sad fact of the world. You think giving all the evil bastards of the world is going to solve all the worlds problems go ahead and try. It’s only going to close enough for them to cut off your head. Talk to me about your Utopian Dreams I know it’s all lies you have to tell yourself so you don’t cry yourself to sleep every night. Hope and flowery words never solved anything, but they sure as hell sound nice coming from the demagogues don’t they. It doesn’t matter war is hell but so is slavery so pick one.

The kids back home don’t know shit, they just get the lies and spin from the network news and college professors. Yeah the college professors, fuck them! Most of them have spent their whole lives on a college campus like they know anything about the real world. The real world the one the rest of us like in. Not the world where you smoked pot in you door room or lived off your parents till you where thirty when you final got a job on the same campus you have been at for 12 years. You get taught Law by someone that never worked for a Law firm and never tried a case. You get taught Economics by someone that has never held a job in the outside world. You get taught business by someone that never owned one or even worked for one. Taught about war by someone that dodged the draft and never was even in the Boy Scouts let alone the Army. Tell me O’ great sage about the working man you know more then I, no matter that I have worked in those factories that you speak of yet have never even been in. You know more then I! I have worked all those jobs you sing you half assed praises to in support of your cause, but would never soil your hands on. Does that make me a better man? No, but I am not a hypocrite and that does.

Maybe I’m off the point and maybe I just don’t care.  I guess what I am trying to say if fuck your protests and fuck the political machine that buys votes from the blood and carnage of war.  Do you really think that if you undermine the troops that will stop the bloodshed or is that a question you never asked yourself.  Give the children the chance to make for themselves a better world they deserve that much at least.  For all the faults of the war we are there for good intentions and while that is not always good enough we are there let them do the right thing and build a better world.  It’s that or walk away with a job half finished just like Vietnam and look how well that all turned out.  But you don’t know or want to know do you?  You want to say this is just like Vietnam, well what where the repercussions of the end?  Ask the Vietnamese, the Laotians, the Cambodians , the Hmong.

I’m still trying to figure out why I give a shit.

This angry rant was brought to you by Newcastle Brown ale and the comic book DMZ fist 100 people will get a signed picture of my middle finger while I release 60 squirrels in your living room.

How morally bankrupt do you have to be to do this?

child porn

child porn

“Dad of Naked 6-Year-Old Cover Girl Writes About ‘Sensuality of Children”

“The father of the naked girl depicted on the cover of Art Monthly magazine has written of the “diabolically sexual” potential in child images”.

Seriously what the hell is wrong with people? These people need to have their child taken away and never be allowed around children (or anyone for that matter) again.

To call these people disgusting is an understatement!

“Mr Nelson has previously written of the specific sexuality of such pictures, arguing that “the sensuality of children is integral to parental fondness”.

NO! No it’s not! Parental fondness is putting a bandaid on a hurt leg, or giving your child a hug and some kind words when they are upset. Teaching them about the world and encouraging them when they need it. Parental fondness is also those times when you let them make their own choices and find their own way in the word even when you disagree sometimes and know they might get hurt. It’s being a Father or Mother not a douche bag claiming child porn is a legitimate artistic expression of parental love to be celebrated.

“The “taboo” of such images is described as “the fear of the child’s latent sexuality and its potential for exciting inappropriate and sinful desire.”

Urge to kill rising….

She is six years old!!!! Six!!! What the bloody goat fucking hell! There is no “latent sexuality” in a six year old child unless you are a psychotic pervert. If you want to fight over this you can say there is a “latent Sexuality” in some one going though puberty and it will make some sense, but you still don’t need to celebrate, encourage or take pictures you pervert!

Don’t give my crap about “Oh it’s just art”, a “cultural thing” a “parents love”, “They are just harmless photos” Fuck you! This is perversion not love and a magazine wants to print these photos for the world to see. I’m all for Freedom of Speech and Press but this is sick. It’s child pornography! This is has nothing to do with either Free Speech or the Free Press. I don’t even like the stupid pictures parents take of their baby in the bathtub, I think that is wholly inappropriate to take a picture of a naked child (thanks for not doing that dad). This isn’t even something like that this is perverse it sick and I know there are people – well they look like people and claim to be anyway – all over the world that will leap to these sick o’s defense, well guess what fuck all of you! You are just sick. This is child exploitation. Something We need to fight and destroy.

And finally to the people who call themselves the Parents I have this to say, you bastards need to be in prison where undoubtedly you will be beaten to death by hardened criminals who are more human and better people then you are! That is the nicest thing I can say to you people.

The Apocalypse can’t come soon enough if this is the world we live in.

Links to learn more about these kinds of abuses and other abuses of children in the world I have left several links for you. While they are not all only targeted to helping only children I recommend helping these people in their fight:

Center for Missing and Exploited Children

End Human Trafficking

Not For Sale

Stop Child Slavery

Anti-Slavery Society



The Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers

Human Rights Watch


Ahava Kids

Child Exploitation


The list goes on if you do the research, but please help.

And no I didn’t use the pictures on this or link to them, I wouldn’t.

I can’t wait for Obama to be our new President!!!


Our Loving Leader Obama

Well it looks like Obama might be our new Glorious and Fatherly Leader of this beautiful and wonderful motherland of the United States of America People’s Republic of North America, and for this I am sincerely overjoyed for our new master (due to the fact that I am not now or have ever been a Kulak and would rather not be purged). I would like to just say that I am officially repudiating every political position Hatecrime I have ever written coerced into on this Free Speech Thoughtcrime. I swear that I was only doing this due to the extreme duress under the Bushitler regime and the International Zionist Conspiracy through their lapdog Cheney. Upon Obama’s coronation I will freely give up all of my arms that I was forced to get only because the Second Amendment was mandatory under the current President stollen election and false Government and not because I wanted them in any way (please stop hitting me! NO… OH GOD NO NOT THE RATS! I’ll give you a list of my friends fellow conspirators and be good this time I swear). Also I would like to say how happy I am at the impending destruction of this horrible oppressive imperialistic evil Capitalist system by the new and wonderful Dictatorship of the Proletariat – who I truly know loves and cares for us deeply – has our best interests at heart and will work through a series of foolproof Five Year Plans to make this country into the Utopian land filled with love and equality for all that we have for so long been denied by our hateful and imperialist masters.

I’m sorry to cut this short comrades but there seems to be one of those Black Marias parked under my window and I need to give myself up quietly and go to the Gulag Reeducation Camp Sorry Happy Public Good Work Camp and spare my family the same fate happiness as myself.

All Praise to Big Brother our Messiah the Dear loving and Fatherly Leader Barrack H. Obama, and Viva La Revolution!

Please don’t kill me

Iranian TV Documentary uncovers evil Zionist plot. OH NOES!!!!!

jewish conspiracy

As if the Iranian leader Mahmud Ahlamadomadingdong’s family photo wasn’t funny enough an Iranian TV documentary claims to have found evil Zionist undertones in Hollywood movies. Really just because Ryan rhymes with Zion does not mean that the Movie Saving Private Ryan is an evil Zionist plot. Are you guys trying to make yourselves the laughingstock of the entire civilized world? The Civilized world being something you might want to get around to being part of one of these days.

“Narrator: “The concentrated efforts of the Zionist lobbies in America have led the U.S. government to be the greatest supporter of the regime occupying Jerusalem. In recent years, following the exposure of certain information, hatred towards the Zionists has developed and intensified among various sectors of society in this country. Therefore, some of the efforts of the Zionist propaganda machine are aimed at improving the image of Zionism, and at painting a false picture of the historical role of the Zionists in American society.”

Really? You don’t say? Lets see what other insane ranting we got here:

“Narrator: “Among the more unpleasant scenes of the film are the scenes in which a Jewish soldier directs his rage towards German POWs. When he sees some German soldiers wearing jewelry with symbols of his religion, this soldier has a fit of rage and attacks them. In these scenes, the film director presents a completely sympathetic view of this soldier’s rage towards the helpless POWs. It seems as if this cry of rage is the cry of Zionism validating the crimes perpetrated by Zionism after the world war.”

Um, OK, but if you actually watch the film you would notice that the “Attack” in question is nothing more then the man saying the German word for Jew and he isn’t even yelling (some cry of rage there buddy). So that’s what you call an attack huh?

And more stupidity:

“Moreover, names may be selected for their rhyming value. ‘Zion’ sometimes becomes ‘Ryan,’ as in Saving Private Ryan. They exploit even the similarity of names.”

Private Ryan wasn’t Jewish just in case you hadn’t figured that out jackass.

“Saving Private Ryan highlight the role of Jewish soldiers. By exaggerating this role, the Zionists seem to be trying to achieve legitimacy for their post-war actions.”

There was one, ONE Jewish soldier in the whole movie and he wasn’t even one of the main characters!!!! You people are the only religion in the world that is more nuts than Scientology and that is hard to do.

“The Jewish Steven Spielberg, whose previous film Schindler’s List reflected Zionist goals, and who turned the false story of the Holocaust into an influential movie, is now making a new movie, about Private Ryan.”

Yes the Holocaust was a lie and all those concentration camps never existed. Next you are going to tell me that the Prophet Muhammed never raped a 9 year old girl aren’t you? I understand that in your feeble little brains the fact that a Jew is allowed to make movies let alone live is some kind of Zionist plot but here in the real world we have things like logic, reason, self control and soap. I’m glad you freaks found something better to do with your time other then honor killings, rioting over cartoons and raping 9 year old girls but come on already is there nothing sane about you guys at all?


On another topic have fun with this picture:


Just in case you didn’t know that’s his wife!!!!

Yes different country, same religion.

7.62 revolver

7.62 revolverOh god this thing better then sex.  All the goodness and none of the herpes.

h/t Airborne Combat Engineer